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NeuroData Joint Master’s Degree: The first generation of students arrived to Zagreb

The first generation of students of the international study programe "Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree in Brain and Data Science - NeuroData" arrived to Zagreb to participate in a two-week summer school organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb.

The summer school, which lasts from August 26 to September 6, this year hosted 14 top students from Italy, Germany, France, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Mexico and Brazil.

NeuroData is a study program that combines the fields of neuroscience and data science, and is implemented by a consortium of universities from six countries. The coordinator is Bar-Ilan University from Israel, and in addition to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, the partners are universities in the Netherlands (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Portugal (Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico), Italy (University of Padua). and Finland (University of Jyväskylä).

Read more about the program and participants:

NeuroData Joint Master's Degree: The first generation of students arrived to Zagreb - News & Insights - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (

The European Union has provided funding for four generations of students. Enrollment for the academic year 2024/2025. have been completed, but applications for the following years are still open. More information is available on the official website of the NeuroData project.