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Respect for Human Rights and Culture of Empathy: Foundation of Healthy Society Symposium, 11 December 2023

On the occasion of the Human Rights Day (10 December), the University of Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies will hold the Respect for Human Rights and Culture of Empathy: Foundation of Healthy Society Symposium, on Monday, 11 December 2023, beginning at 9 a.m., at Antun Bauer Hall, Jordanovac 110, Zagreb.

povodu Svjetskog dana ljudskih prava (10. prosinca) na Fakultetu filozofije i religijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održat će se simpozij „Poštivanje ljudskih prava i kultura empatije: Temelj zdravog društva“, u ponedjeljak 11. prosinca 2023., s početkom u 9 sati, u dvorani Antuna Bauera, Jordanovac 110, Zagreb.

The organisers of the Symposium are the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, University of Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, and the Croatian Institute for Research and Education about Mental Health.

Symposium programme