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Student Society for Innovations in Medicine awarded at ARCA 2023 International Exhibition of Inventions

At ARCA 2023, the 21st International Exhibition of Inventions, which was organized by the Croatian Union of Innovators from 12 to 14 October 2023 at the National and University Library, our Student Society for Innovations in Medicine was awarded.

The Student Society for Innovations in Medicine received a bronze medal for the Library of 3D-Printed Anatomical Models of Organs projecz.

A bronze medal was also won by students Lovro Jančić, Konrad Alexander Kiss, and Luka Zvekić for the Glasses for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons project in collaboration with a colleague from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

The silver medal was won by Luka Grgar and his colleague Darija Simić from the Libertas University for the Interdialytic project, a project concerning a mobile system for interdialytic monitoring during dialyses.

We congratulate the laureates and wish them every success in future endeavours!