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Novosti, Obavijesti

Elections for the Student Council, March 26-27, 2025

The elections for the Student Council of the School of Medicine University of Zagreb (hereinafter referred to as: the School) and the Student Council of the University of Zagreb, in the academic year 2024/2025, will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, and Thursday, March 27, 2025, in the Central Medical Library of the School, Šalata 3, Zagreb, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Candidacies are submitted to the Election Committee via the Faculty's Administrative Office (Urudžbeni zapisnik), Šalata 3, 10000 Zagreb.

The deadline for submitting candidacies is March 14, 2025.


Odluka o raspisivanju izbora za Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i studentskih zborova sastavnica
Kandidacijski obrazac 2025.
Odluka o provođenju studentskih izbora 2025.
Odluka - Izborno povjerenstvo - Studentski izbori
Odluka - Povjerenstvo za prigovore - Studentski izbori
Zakon o studentskom zboru i drugim studentskim organizacijama
Pravilnik o izborima za Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i studentske zborove sastavnica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu