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Ethics Committees

School of Medicine in the academic year 2006/2007 invested a lot of effort in strengthening and promoting ethical principles, academic integrity and rules of responsible conduct in research, which led to certain organisational changes and changes to existing and the adoption of a series of new general acts of the School.

First of all, we established the central Ethics Committee (following the example of the Institutional Review Board of most American and European universities), which also includes the Committee for the Academic Integrity and two expert committees for evaluating the ethics of research on subjects and human material, or animal models.

  1. Working Group for Biomedical Research
  2. Animal Welfare Committee
Sastav Etičkog povjerenstva
Sastav Radne skupine etičkog povjerenstva za biomedicinska istraživanja
Sastav Povjerenstva za dobrobit životinja
Sastav Povjerenstva za akademski integritet

The new Disciplinary Measures Policy was adopted on 7 April 2007, together with four important new documents:

  1. General rules on performing scientific, professional and teaching work at the School of Medicine
  2. Rules of good academic practice for scientific work at the School of Medicine
  3. Rules of good academic practice in writing, reviewing and publishing scientific and professional publications
  4. Rules of procedure for allegations of scientific misconduct and fraud in science
Opća pravila o obavljanju znanstvenog, stručnog i nastavnog rada na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu
Pravila dobre akademske prakse za znanstveni rad na Medicinskom fakultetu
Pravila dobre akademske prakse pri pisanju, recenziranju i objavljivanju znanstvenih i stručnih publikacija
Pravila postupanja pri optužbama za znanstveno nedolično postupanje i prijevaru u znanosti

The preparation of similar new documents for regulating conflicts of interest, conflicts of obligations, copyright and related rights, rights in patenting, licensing, etc. is still in process. Furthermore, the work of the Ethics Committee and other ethics-related committees has been improved by the preparation of a series of new forms for submitting new research programs and projects and also for submission of thesis proposals, according to the Code of Ethics of the University of Zagreb.

Etički kodeks Sveučilišta u Zagrebu