Centre for Translational and Clinical Research
Centre's Council
Departments, laboratories and offices:
- Knowledge Transfer and Innovations Office
- Laboratory for Mineralized Tissues
- Department for Functional Genomics
- Department for Reproduction and Development Research
- Department of Intercellular Communication
- Department for Proteomics
Knowledge Transfer and Innovations Office
The Knowledge Transfer and Innovations Office, as a part of the Centre for Translational and Clinical Research (Centre, CTCR), provides professional support to basic, translational, and clinical research conducted by the staff and students of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine and University Hospital Centre Zagreb.
The Office supports scientists in writing project proposals and implementing research projects, assists in the valorization of intellectual property, protection of IP rights, and the transfer of knowledge and technologies for both commercial non-commercial purposes. The main objective of the Office is to find the best and fastest way from research results to the end users - patients.
Through its experience in clinical research, the Office is a unique place for support of clinicians who perform highly regulated research involving patients.
The Centre performs and provides the following activities and services:
Intellectual property protection and technology transfer:
Project proposals’ preparation and implementation of projects:
- Teaching scientists and students in the field of intellectual property and technology transfer;
- Encouraging the protection of intellectual property and its use;
- Supporting researchers in identifying and protecting intellectual property;
- Evaluation and assessment of the commercial potential of inventions and other research results, alone or in collaboration with the University Technology Transfer Office and other external experts;
- Preparation and revision of non-disclosure and material transfer agreements;
- Negotiating, organizing, and coordinating cooperation with industry;
- Preparation and review of draft agreements with industry in cooperation with the School Legal department;
- Preparation of draft licensing and assignment agreements, and other contracts related to intellectual property and its transfer;
- Participation in establishing the spin-off companies in cooperation with the Legal Department and external experts and negotiating of shares in the newly created companies;
- Keeping records of the School’s intellectual property, patents, licensing agreements and other forms of protected and unprotected intellectual property, commercialisation contracts and non-commercial forms of exploitation of intellectual property results;
- In the complex collaborative research environment, the Office helps in the preparation and reviewing of cooperation agreements (with one or more partners), clinical research contracts, and other agreements containing clauses on intellectual property rights, access rights, and other rights related to knowledge or technology transfer.
- Supports the preparation of international project applications, in particular in regard with knowledge transfer and the exploitation and sustainability of research results;
- Participates in the implementation of the projects, in particular in the exploitation of the results;
- Participates in the implementation of projects aimed on strengthening capacity of the institution and increase of knowledge and technology transfer activities;
- Helps in project management and education of newly employed research managers and administrators.
Other activities:
- Active in the Committee for Intellectual Property Management;
- Collaboration with the Centre for Research, Development and Technology Transfer of the University of Zagreb on various joint activities;
- Member of the ASTP (Europe’s Association of Knowledge Transfer Professionals);
- Participation in the work of EATRIS ERIC, European Research Infrastructure
Lozika Mašić
E-mail: lozika.masic@mef.hr
Department of Intercellular Communication
The Department of Intercellular Communication (DIC) was founded as a spin-out of the pharmaceutical industry within the academic community, in order to foster close collaboration between these complementary but often insufficiently integrated research activities. To encourage translational research in the field of new drug discovery, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Research Centre Zagreb, together with the School of Medicine invested in adapting the space and equipping the DIC and provided educated and experienced staff to co-founders.
The main activity and current interest of the Department is the study of coexistence, interaction and mutual regulation of different microbial communities (microbiota) and their host, with the aim of broadening the knowledge on the role of these processes in maintenance of human health and in pathogenesis of infectious and inflammatory diseases. The integration of the scientific knowledge into clinical practice is of high importance, as it can contribute to improved diagnostics in infectious and inflammatory diseases, as well as to more efficient treatment strategies and the development of more effective targeted drugs. Therefore, understanding the subtle interactions that regulate the host-microbiota relationship or lead to progression into pathogenic conditions is the main scientific interest of the Department staff.
DIC scientists have many years of work experience in the pharmaceutical industry (PLIVA Research Institute and GlaxoSmithKline Research Centre) as a part of numerous R&D projects for developing new drugs. The researchers have extensive expertise in the fields of molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology and the development of new research methods. They also have knowledge related to the broader context of the development of new drugs, the discovery of new biological targets, the protection of intellectual property and the management of scientific projects. The knowledge and experience accumulated in the Department are employed for the development of potential new therapies and clinical strategies and interventions, and thus contribute to the advancement of clinical and translational medicine.
The Department cooperates with relevant scientific institutions and research groups in the country and abroad. Employees of the Department actively participate as expert evaluators of research projects submitted to the EU, international and domestic competitions in the field of science, innovation and economy.
Scientific projects:
- MaCrovid (Zaklada Adris)
- OSTEOproSPINE (Horizon 2020)
- Center of Excellence for Regenerative and Reproductive Medicine
- Projekt razvoja karijera mladih istraživača (HRZZ)
Mihaela Perić, PhD
Hana Čipčić Paljetak,PhD
Mario Matijašić, PhD
Dora Hrestak, mag. ing. bioproc., PhD candidate
Department for Functional Genomics
The Department for Functional Genomics was founded in 2003 by School of Medicine University of Zagreb, the University Hospital Centre Zagreb and the scientists of Harvard Medical School as a scientific centre intended to encourage translational research using advanced genomic technologies (then called the Centre for Functional Genomics). As the first such centre in the field of South-eastern Europe, the Centre for Functional Genomics has laid the foundations for the creation and establishment of a Centre for Translational and Clinical Research. When the Centre for Translation and Clinical Research was established in 2009, the Centre for Functional Genomics was renamed into the Department for Functional Genomics. Since the very beginning of the Department's activities, great importance has been devoted to the development of international cooperation, resulting in joint projects and programmes with scientists from Harvard University and New York University from the United States, as well as with numerous scientific institutions across Europe, such as the Institute for Molecular medicine (Portugal), the Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit (UK), University College Dublin (Ireland) or Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (Germany).
Scientific activity within the Department is aimed at connecting basic and clinical scientists in modern genomic research with the aim of promoting translational approaches. Over the years, numerous investigations have been conducted within the Department, from gene expression research in cognitive disorders, search for new biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases, to research on molecular basis of haematological and autoimmune diseases.
Projects implemented so far in the Department for Functional Genomics have been financed by the European Union, the World Bank, the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education, the Croatian Science Foundation, Michael J. Fox Foundation, Parkinson's UK Foundation, ADRIS Foundation, DAAD and HAMAG/BICRO. The Department's scientific activities have also led to clinical application of new genomic diagnostic tests in practice. With great effort from employees, the list of genomic diagnostic tests includes:
- epilepsy gene panel (DTP code LG206),
- array CGH (LG207 and LG 208),
- clinical exome sequencing (LG235).
Scientists from the Department provided significant resources for research through scientific projects, both from domestic funding sources (e.g. Ministry of Science and Education project “Genomic analysis of transcripts and interactome in patients with complex diseases”), as well as from EU funds, through Framework Programme 7. The EU project entitled “Integrating and Strengthening Genomic Research in South-Eastern Europe” (INTEGERS) is the first FP7 project in the Republic of Croatia. The allocation ensured that the Department becomes the best equipped centre for genomic technologies in the Southeast European region.
Professor Fran Borovečki, MD, PhD
Ass. Prof. Antonela Blažeković, MD, PhD
Kristina Gotovac Jerčić, PhD
Josipa Mateševac, mag. biol. mol
Filip Josip Bingula, bacc. med. lab. diag.
Sarah Meglaj, mag. biol. exp., PhD candidate
Tamara Ćutić, mag. mol. biol. exp.
Department for Reproduction and Development Research
The Department for Reproduction and Development Research started its activities in 2009, and its scientific and research activity resulted from the collaborative project of Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, which at the time brought together nine individual scientific and research projects. In accordance with the action plan of the School of Medicine, and according to the research strategy of the University of Zagreb, a proposal was made for a translational program in the field of reproduction and development in the form of 22 scientific and research tasks proposed by individual leaders. At its session held on 27 January 2009, the Faculty Council of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine adopted the proposal for the abovementioned translational programme.
The programme is implemented in over 30 domestic collaborative health institutions. 24 prestigious international institutions are also participating in the programme. The central working group consists of the employees of the Research Department of Histology of the School of Medicine and the Urology and Gynecology and Obstetrics departments of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb.
In addition to the standard activities related to certain scientific and research tasks, the Department initiated the introduction of new health services in the field of medical insemination in the public health system of the Republic of Croatia, which would be jointly provided by the School of Medicine and University Hospital Centre Zagreb: establishment and registration of seed biopsy bank (at the level of the Republic of Croatia) and Centre for Andrology within the Urology Department. Work is under way on the refurbishment of premises and the procurement of equipment for the Bank and the Centre, and it is expected that the Ministry of Health will grant a license for work.
Prof. Davor Ježek, MD, PhD
E-mail: davor.jezek@mef.hr
- Prof. Davor Ježek, MD, PhD
- Prof. Ljerka Banek, MD, PhD
- Prof. Đurđica Grbeša, MD, PhD
- Prof. Gordana Jurić-Lukić, MD, PhD
- Asst. Prof. Željka Vukelić, PhD
- Andreja Vukasović, dMD
- Željka Punčec, med. lab. ing.
- Mirela Vranić, bacc. med. lab. ing.
- Iris Elezović, med. lab. ing.
- Adriana Čuljak
- Goran Kapustić
Odjel za proteomiku

Proteins play important roles in cells and tissues in maintaining structural integrity, catalysing numerous biological processes, and regulating gene expression. Proteomics is a scientific discipline that studies the structure, function, and interactions of cellular proteins. Unlike the genome, which is relatively simpler and easier to define, a proteome is a set of all proteins that is significantly more complex due to numerous protein isoforms and post-translational modifications. Additionally, the variability in size among proteins, their temporal, and spatial expression patterns and their broad dynamic range of expression, each pose unique difficulties in defining the proteome of a biological system.
The Department for Proteomics operates at the Centre for Translational and Clinical Research. The core activities of the Department include the development and implementation of proteomic methods that systematically study the structure and function of proteins. Depending on the sample types, they can be used to examine the total proteome of an organism, an individual organ, a specific signalling pathway, or individual cells, but also a detailed study of the structure of single purified proteins.
The basic research areas of the Department for Proteomics include:
- Defining potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for rare bone diseases, bone fractures and delayed fracture healing;
- Upgrading the platform for bone regeneration using new autologous formulations;
- Exploring the potential and validating novel biomarkers (detected by proteomics) in tracking disease progression and prognosis in various tumour conditions;
- Inflammageing as a key component underlying various pathological changes and regeneration (the connection between fibrosis and different pathological processes: liver, kidney and skin disease)
- Defining the status and validation of new markers (biomarkers)
The use of mass spectrometry-based proteomics in the field of biomedicine implies the translation of knowledge from basic research to clinical applications. Direct application of newly acquired knowledge can guide and fine-tune clinical decisions and interventions. In practical terms, this comprises comparing the proteomic profiles of individual tissues (or biological fluids) of healthy versus diseased patients, and the detection of potential differences in the expression level of select target proteins.
Department from 2008 until today
The Department for Proteomics was founded on 10 June 10 2008. The initial head of the Department was academician Slobodan Vukičević, with his associates at the time Prof. Lovorka Grgurević, MD, PhD, and consultant Dr. Boris Maček (then at Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany). Since 2016, Prof. Lovorka Grgurević, MD, PhD has become the Department together with her closest associate and employee of the Department, Ruđer Novak, PhD, and associates: Stela Hrkač, MD, Grgur Salai, MD, and student Joško Bilandžić.
Where are we?
The Department for Proteomics is located in the 2nd floor at Šalata 2, in two laboratories and two office spaces. The preparatory laboratory has an area of about 15 square meters, the analytical LC-MS laboratory has an area of about 48 square meters, and the office spaces of 15 and 30 square meters.
What can we offer?
- Consultations on experimental design;
- Sample preparation (extraction of proteins from plasma, serum, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, cells, tissues, or tissues fixed by formalin; protein digestion, sample preparation for a bottom-up proteomic approach);
- Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (proteomic approach or sequencing of individual proteins);
- Western blot, ELISA, isoelectric focusing;
- Data processing and bioinformatics analysis;
- Interpretation of experimental results;
- Scientific education of a new generation of researchers in the field of functional proteomics.
- Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap Discovery. As key devices of the Department for Proteomics, with the wholehearted help of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine and the Ministry of Science, in 2008 a state-of-the-art high-resolution mass spectrometer LTQ Orbitrap Discovery (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was purchased and is predominantly used for characterization of a large number of proteins and peptides in various diseases and pharmacokinetic research;
- HPLC ThermoScientific UltiMate 3000;
- Standard electrophoresis equipment (SDS PAGE, Western blot) including horizontal isoelectric focusing system Serva HPE Blue horizon;
- Small laboratory equipment (cooling centrifuges, vacuum evaporator, thermoblocks, etc.)
Since 2016, the Department has been intensively working to achieve its main goal – to promote the translation of knowledge by combining programs in basic and clinical medical research. In addition to biomedicine, some of our multidisciplinary collaborations are realized with research groups working in the field of biology and chemistry. The Department participates with significant contributions in the programs within the project Scientific Center of Excellence: Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine - Exploring New Platforms and Potentials, and OSTEOproSPINE - Novel Bone Regeneration Drug Osteogrow: Therapeutic Solution for Lumbar Back Pain", HORIZON 2020. It was also an integral part of OSTEOGROW - Novel Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6 Biocompatible Carrier Device for Bone Regeneration, FP7 HEALTH project and lead the research project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation "Newly discovered circulating BMP1 protein isoforms as biomarkers and therapeutic targets for human diseases" and numerous other scientific projects.
The services of the Department of Proteomics are available to all departments and laboratories within the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. Our services are also available to all other academia members within the University of Zagreb and other Universities, to Ruđer Bošković Institute and hospital centres and other interested parties. As such, long-term fruitful cooperations have been established with the Ruđer Bošković Institute, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb, the University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, University Hospital Dubrava, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Childrens’ Hospital Zagreb, University Hospital for Tumors, University Hospital Merkur and private medical clinics. The Department works closely in terms of external consultation with Prof. Boris Maček, MD, PhD, head of the Proteome Center Tuebingen, University of Tuebingen.
Our role
The role of the Department for Proteomics within the Centre for Translational and Clinical Research is essential. The research of disease mechanisms is no longer focused and described by the action of single proteins, but by the complex interrelationships of multiple proteins on a global scale. In the "post-genomic" period, proteomic methods play an increasingly important role in understanding the pathophysiological basis of various diseases and discovering their diagnostic or prognostic markers.
This research can already guide or fine-tune clinical decisions and interventions, and, in the near future, routine identification of modified peptides and proteins associated to particular diseases is expected. The rising complexity of biomedical research requires close collaboration between basic and clinical scientists trained in the application of the latest technologies and knowledge, in order to improve human health and improve health care.
In addition, for many years, the Department for Proteomics participates in teaching several postgraduate courses at the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Zagreb. This way, the participants are introduced to the scientific method, and basic knowledge on the possibilities of proteomic research is transferred. Opportunity for new scientific collaborations is thus established, which is a special goal of the Department.
Due to all the above, the role and existence of departments for proteomics within all science-oriented research institutions is crucial.
Prof. Lovorka Grgurević, MD, PhD
Ruđer Novak, MD
Stela Hrkač, MD
Grgur Salai, MD
Joško Bilandžić, student

Laboratory for Mineralized Tissues
The Laboratory for Mineralized Tissues, founded in 1986, has the longest tradition in the Centre for Translational and Clinical Research. Since then, the laboratory has expanded and is now equipped with all the equipment necessary for modern research. Laboratory animal facility (housing mice, rats, and rabbits) was registered in 2011 which enabled the breeding and husbandry of animals used in experimental research (approval from Directorate for Veterinary and Food Safety, Ministry of Agriculture).
Since 2007, research has been focused on the mechanism of action of bone morphogenetic proteins in tissues such as kidney, liver, and pancreas, as well as to the discovery of new biomarkers in various diseases. In the last couple of years, research topics also included the function of BMPs in iron and glucose metabolism and the effect of serotonin on the skeletal system.
Recently, the Laboratory was funded for multiple projects, some of which are the EU FP7 project OSTEOGROW, where the School of Medicine is the coordinator of a consortium of 11 partners; project OSTEOproSPINE (Horizon 2020) which is a continuation of the previous OSTEOGROW; a Scientific Center of Excellence for Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine project “Reproductive and regenerative medicine – exploration of new platforms and potentials” (KK.; and the “BMP6Fe3 – Development of novel antibodies (biologics) that will selectively inhibit hepcidin expression in the liver for the Treatment of Anemia of Chronic Disease” project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The Laboratory is continually cooperating with many Croatian and international scientific institutions. A large number of published papers and PhD dissertations, which are the result of consistent devoted work in this Laboratory, demonstrate its important role in scientific research in Croatia.
Discovery of the structure and function of genes and proteins from the super family TGF-beta
Years of research in collaboration with world-renowned laboratories have resulted in numerous studies and led to the clinical application of recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins in human medicine to accelerate and promote bone formation in patients with spinal pathologies, acute and non-union fractures. More than 30,000 patients worldwide have been successfully surgically treated with bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP). The role of BMPs in bone, kidney, and articular cartilage regeneration has been extensively investigated, and the foundations for BMP7 use in patients with acute and chronic renal failure have been laid. In addition, within the projects OSTEOGROW and OSTEOproSPINE in cooperation with clinics in Croatia and Austria, clinical studies of BMP6 are conducted in several orthopedic indications. This complex field of research has become a major area of research in the Laboratory and has resulted in more than 4,200 citations in the works of other scientists.
The most important contributions of the Laboratory of Science in the field of BMP are:
- Discovery of cartilaginous morphogenetic proteins (CDMP-1, -2 and - 3; also called GDF-5, -6 and -7 or BMP12, -13 and -14) and prostate proteins (PDF; also called BMP11)
- Purification and in vitro role of BMPs to demonstrate their ability to differentiate osteoblast precursor cells into fully differentiated osteoblasts and to redirect the inhibitory effect of TGF-beta on cell differentiation. The same principle was later confirmed in collaboration with scientists from the Universities of Leiden and Bern as the main mechanism by which TGF-beta induces the transformation of epithelium into mesenchyme in prostate and breast cancer
- Characterization of tissues and organs that produce bone morphogenetic proteins at the level of mRNA and proteins during embryonic development as well as in postnatal life
- Systemic application of BMP6 restores bone volume and microarchitecture in old ovariectomized rats by increasing bone structure and inhibiting bone resorption
- Discovery of various isoforms of BMP1 protein (mTld metalloproteinase), primarily BMP1-3 isoforms, and its effect on fibrosis
OSTEOGROW – new formulations
New formulations of OSTEOGROW (rhBMP6 in autologous blood coagulum as a carrier) are being investigated as part of the research on the regenerative role of rhBMP6. Part of the research efforts are invested in the examination of longevity of newly formed bone by addition of bisphosphonates. The potential clinical application of the mentioned OSTEOGROW formulations is being investigated in a model of posterolateral spinal fusion in rabbits and sheep. Preclinical studies have shown numerous advantages of OSTEOGROW formulations.
The role of BMP3 in bone tissue formation and regeneration
One of the research topics in the Laboratory is the role of bone morphogenetic protein-3 in bone tissue, a divergent member of BMP protein family that antagonizes the effect of other BMPs. Even though it is the most abundant protein in bone tissue from this family, BMP3-related research is insufficient. Until now, neither its effect on bone regeneration nor its interplay with osteogenic BMP6 have been studied. For this research, in vitro models are being used, including bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and C2C12 and MC3T3 cell lines, as well as BMP3 knockout mice. In vivo research focuses on BMP3 effect on ectopic bone formation and fracture healing.
Antifibrosis therapy in congenital muscular dystrophy with mutation in laminin gene in a mouse model
Congenital muscular dystrophy with merosin deficiency (MDC1A) is an autosomal recessive form of muscular dystrophy characterized by muscle weakness visible at birth or in the first six months of life and is the second most common type of muscular dystrophy. This form of muscular dystrophy often has a very aggressive pathology and in many cases can lead to premature death in children due to respiratory problems and due to slow progression and growth. At the moment, there is no effective therapy that would have a positive effect on this disease and therefore there is a desire to identify the best and most successful treatment. Lama2 DyW is a mouse model for congenital muscular dystrophy with a mutation in laminin gene used in this research work. Mice reside in controlled conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity, ventilation, day and night cycle) in a special ventilated cabinets. This mouse strain is very sensitive and homozygous individuals live up to four weeks so the experiments had to be strategically and carefully prepared and planned. Mice with antifibrosis treatment (inhibition of BMP1-3 proteins with specific antibodies) show excellent results at the biochemical, histological and behavioural levels and we hope that the future will bring many excellent results. The results of this research could enable the development of a new targeted therapy for a condition for which only empirical palliative solutions currently exist.
The impact of bone morphogenetic protein 6 (BMP6)
UThe role of bone morphogenetic protein 6 (BMP6) was previously determined in bone metabolism and nowadays many studies have demonstrated the effect of BMP6 in glucose metabolism and the development of type II diabetes. Serotonin (5HT) was found to act on the regulation of the endocrine function of the pancreas and bone metabolism. The involvement and the interaction between BMP6 and 5HT in bone and glucose metabolism have not been thoroughly investigated so far, and it is assumed that BMP6 and 5HT are in mutual interaction and have a synergistic effect on glucose metabolism, and consequently, on bone metabolism. In vitro, we will examine the effect of BMP6 and 5HT on cellular processes related to glucose metabolism, insulin secretion, and the 5HT system on the pancreatic endocrine cell line. Preliminary results indicate that BMP6 enhances the activity of the 5HT system in conditions of increased glucose concentration. In vivo, studies on glucose metabolism and changes in the 5HT system in the multiple organ systems in mice lacking BMP6 function (BMP6 knockout mice) are in course. The results of this research will enable observation of a functional association between BMP6 and 5HT in bone and glucose metabolism, contributing to a better understanding of their role in systemic biology as well as enabling research of new strategies for treating diabetes.
The role of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) in bone formation and regeneration
The potential role of DMP1, the molecule responsible for dentin formation, in bone regeneration and formation processes is being investigated. The study is performed on preosteoblast mouse cells (MC3T3). Potential contribution of DMP1 is also tested in vivo in a subcutaneous assay and in fracture healing. The research is conducted in collaboration with the Chicago College of Dentistry (University of Illinois, Chicago, USA).
Collaboration with other laboratories
The employees of the Laboratory cooperate on numerous projects in and outside the Republic of Croatia. The micro-CT device, available in the Laboratory, forms the basis of the study of mineralized tissues because it allows detailed visualization and quantification of bone parameters. The Laboratory for Mineralized Tissues has collaborated on projects of the University of Zagreb BioCOMET, BioCHIP and HIPoCART and in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka.
Prof. Slobodan Vukičević, FCA
- academician Slobodan Vukičević, PhD, head of the Laboratory
- Prof. Lovorka Grgurević, MD, PhD
- Vera Kufner, PhD, research associate
- Igor Erjavec, PhD, research associate
- Tatjana Bordukalo Nikšić, PhD, research associate
- Nikola Štoković, PhD, assistant
- Natalia Ivanjko, mag. ing. biotechn., PhD student, assistant
- Ivona Matić Jelić, mag. chem., PhD student, assistant
- Viktorija Rumenović, mag. mol. biol., PhD student, assistant
- Kristian Bakić , mag. ing. chem. ing., PhD student, assistant
- Marina Milešević, mag. ing. biotechn., PhD student, assistant
- Ivana Sataić, PhD, professional associate
- Lucija Rogina, mag. ing. tech. aliment., PhD student, professional associate
- Valentina Blažević, mag. ing. biotechn., professional associate
- Sanja Pehar, mag. mol. biol., professional associate
- Ivančica Bastalić, prof., personal assistant
- Romana Blažek, secretary
- Đurđica Car, technician
- Mirjana Marija Renić, technician
Scientific Projects
Project HZZ: BONE6-BIS
A novel anabolic targeted therapy for osteoporosis: BONE6-BIS consortium
January 1st 2012 – December 31st 2014

The purpose of the project is to develop a new therapeutic, BONE6-BIS, which will represent an efficient and safe drug for the treatment of osteoporosis. BONE6-BIS is a “chimeric” molecule which consists of a Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6 (BMP6) and bisphosphonate. Bisphosphonate, a small molecule, targets the molecule to the bone surface where BMP6 would exert its action and induce bone regeneration.
Disease and current treatments
Osteoporosis, which literally means “porous bones,” is a disease characterized by a reduction in bone density. Osteoporosis occurs when the normal repeating cycle of osteoclast (bone resorption) and osteoblast (bone formation) activity is misaligned resulting in bone resorption being greater than formation. This process leaves the bones brittle and prone to fracture spontaneously or after a minor accident, with the spine, wrists and hips being most susceptible. Unfortunately, osteoporosis is a silent disease and can progress painlessly for years until a severe injury occurs. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), osteoporosis is a major health threat to 55% of people age 50 and over. While it’s a largely preventable disease, there is no cure.
There are several prescription medications used to treat osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates are the most commonly prescribed drugs for treatment of osteoporosis; they accumulate in bone matrix and can slow bone loss and increase bone density thus reducing the risk of fracture. Drugs called selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) can act like estrogen to help prevent bone loss. Calcitonin, a hormone that your body naturally produces, may also be taken to help slow bone loss for some patients. Hormone or estrogen replacement therapy may also help prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
We have recently discovered that BMP6 may have specific therapeutic advantages as compared to other BMP family members in inducing regeneration of bone, pancreatic β-islets and kidney tubule epithelium. We demonstrated that BMP6 increases the bone volume when administered systemically to ovariectomized aged rats. In this project we will, for the first time, thoroughly characterize the naturally occurring BMP forms and complexes in blood and develop reliable assays for quantifying BMP6 in plasma and then express recombinant human (rh)BMP6 in its natural form.
Following production of rhBMP6 we aim to develop a novel anabolic therapy for osteoporosis via targeting rhBMP6 to bone surfaces by attaching it to a bisphosphonate which can be cross-linked to the protein via lysine residues.
Project Leader – Professor Slobodan Vukičević, MD, PhD
Center for Translational and Clinical Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
Assistant Professor Lovorka Grgurević, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Donatella Verbanac, PhD
Jelena Brkljačić, BSc
Genadij Razdorov, BSc
Martina Pauk, BSc
Igor Erjavec, BSc
Genera Research
Hermann Oppermann, MD, PhD
Morana Jankolija, BSc
Anamarija Olić, BSc
Irena Popek, BSc
Marina Martinić, BSc
Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb
Assistant Professor Zlatko Giljević, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Mislav Jelić, MD,PhD
Professor Darko Antičević, MD,PhD
Mislav Cerovec, MD,PhD
Živka Dika, MD,PhD
Antonio Cipčić, BSc
Croatian Academy of Science and Arts
Academy member Marko Pećina, MD, PhD
Igor Borić, MD, PhD
This project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation.
Total funding: 1.439.800,00 HRK
22nd March 2012
Lecture invitation
22nd October 2012
Prior Art
Vukicevic S, Grgurevic L. BMP-6 and mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 20:441-8, 2009.
Simic P, Culej JB, Orlic I, Grgurevic L, Draca N, Spaventi R, Vukicevic S. Systemically administered bone morphogenetic protein-6 restores bone in aged ovariectomized rats by increasing bone formation and suppressing bone resorption. J Biol Chem 281:25509-21, 2006.
Croatian Science Foundation: http://www.hrzz.hr/
Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports: http://public.mzos.hr/
European Calcified Tissue Society: http://www.ectsoc.org/
International Osteoporosis Foundation: http://www.iofbonehealth.org/
National Osteoporosis Foundation: http://www.nof.org/
Project HRZZ: MINUTE for IBD

Assessment of Microbiota, Inflammatory Markers, Nutritional and Endocrinological Status in IBD Patients
Acronym: MINUTE for IBD
September 1st 2014 – August 31st 2018
Upalna bolest crijeva (IBD) predstavlja kronični proces u probavnom traktu sa sve većom učestalošću, koji značajno pogoršava kvalitetu života pacijenata. Nastanak bolesti povezan je s imunim statusom, sastavom crijevne mikrobiote te unosom hrane. Trenutne znanstvene spoznaje o specifičnim pokretačima i dijagnostičkim markerima bolesti su ograničene, te su za bolje razumijevanje patofiziologije IBD neophodne nove informacije o sastavu crijevne mikrobiote, imunom, endokrinom i prehrambenom statusu pacijenata.
Projektom će biti detaljno istražena crijevna mikrobiota u uzorcima biopsije crijeva, stolice i krvi od 40 novo-dijagnosticiranih IBD pacijenata i 20 ne-IBD pojedinaca, kao i nutritivni i endokrini sastav svakog ispitanika. Za proučavanje sastava mikroorganizama iz uzoraka bit će korištena metoda sekvenciranja nove generacije, dok će u svrhu detekcije biomarkera iz krvi biti korištena vrlo osjetljiva metoda proximity extension assay (PEA). Dobiveni će rezultati omogućiti bolju stratifikaciju IBD pacijenata te ih lakše usmjeriti prema odgovarajućoj terapiji sukladno principima personaliziranog pristupa.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder with increase in incidence that severely deteriorates patients’ quality of life. The onset of the disease is mainly associated with the immune status, gut microbiota and food intake. The current scientific knowledge of specific triggers and diagnostic markers is limited; therefore, new data on gut microbiota, inflammatory, endocrine and nutritional status are required to better understand the IBD pathophysiology.
In this study we will thoroughly explore host-gut microbiota interactions in order to define novel strategies for management of IBD. We will collect intestine biopsies, stool and blood samples from 40 newly diagnosed IBD patients and 20 non-IBD control individuals, as well as record their nutritional status. Since majority of the gut microorganisms are not culturable, we will use the in house available next-generation sequencing to characterize the composition of the microbiota in collected samples. Moreover, specific blood biomarkers, including cytokines, growth factors and hormones, will be determined using novel and highly sensitive proximity extension assays, recently developed in our laboratories. Collectively, these results will support better stratification of patients and initiate an appropriate therapy.
University of Zagreb School of Medicine
Project leader – Assistant Professor Donatella Verbanac, PhD
Mihaela Perić, PhD
Mario Matijašić, PhD
Hana Čipčić Paljetak, PhD
Vera Kufner, PhD
Marina Panek, mag.biol.mol.
University Hospital Centre Zagreb
Associate Professor Željko Krznarić, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Silvija Čuković Čavka, MD, PhD
Marko Brinar, MD, PhD
Nikša Turk, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Darija Vranešić, PhD
Mirjana Kalauz, MD, PhD
Ivana Kraljević, PhD
Dina Ljubas Kelečić, mag.pharm
Ana Kunović, MD
Dora Grgić, MD
Associate Professor Dunja Rogić, PhD
University Hospital Dubrava
Marija Crnčević Urek, MD, PhD
Associate Professor Marko Banić, MD, PhD
Fidelta Ltd. Zagreb
Karmen Brajša, PhD
Xellia Ltd. Zagreb
Gabrijela Ergović, PhD
Imperial College London
Anja Barešić, PhD
This project is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation.
Total funding: 998.400,00 HRK
1. Meštrović T, Matijašić M, Perić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Barešić A, Verbanac D. The Role of Gut, Vaginal, and Urinary Microbiome in Urinary Tract Infections: From Bench to Bedside. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Dec 22;11(1):E7. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11010007.
2. Matijašić M, Meštrović T, Paljetak HČ, Perić M, Barešić A, Verbanac D. Gut Microbiota beyond Bacteria-Mycobiome, Virome, Archaeome, and Eukaryotic Parasites in IBD. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Apr 11;21(8):2668. doi: 10.3390/ijms21082668.
3. Leskovar D, Meštrović T, Barešić A, Kraljević I, Panek M, Paljetak HČ, Perić M, Matijašić M, Rogić D, Barišić A, Kelečić DL, Bender DV, Krznarić Ž, Verbanac D. The Role of Vitamin D in Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Assessing Therapeutic and Preventive Potential of Supplementation and Food Fortification. Food Tech Biotech 2018, 56(4), 455-463, DOI: 10.17113/ftb.
4. Panek M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Barešić A, Perić M, Matijašić M, Lojkić I, Vranešić Bender D, Krznarić Ž, Verbanac D. Methodology challenges in studying human gut microbiota - effects of collection, storage, DNA extraction and next generation sequencing technologies. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 23;8(1):5143. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23296-4. (top 100 articles in Sci Rep for 2018)
5. Matijašić M, Meštrović T, Perić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Panek M, Vranešić Bender D, Ljubas Kelečić D, Krznarić Ž, Verbanac D. Modulating Composition and Metabolic Activity of the Gut Microbiota in IBD Patients. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17, 578; doi:10.3390/ijms17040578
FP7: Osteogrow
Sinergijska inovativna kombinacija sastavnica mikrobiote kao osnova za razvoj inovativnih topikalnih proizvoda za tretiranje i prevenciju upalnih stanja humane kože - PROBITECT
August 16, 2020 – August 15, 2023
PROTEKO d.o.o.
Mirta Mikulecky
Iva Ačkar
Tamara Kajfeš Hrgovan
Vanja Premzl
Mihaela Perić
Hana Čipčić Paljetak
Mario Matijašić
Dora Hrestak
Smiljka Vikić-Topić
Daniela Ledić Drvar
Atopijski dermatitis i sindrom osjetljive kože najčešća su kronična upalna stanja kože kod ljudi. Najnovija istraživanja ukazuju na velik značaj mikrobiote kože (svi živi mikroorganizmi na koži) na zdravlje kože. Kako bi se doprinijelo potrebama pacijenata i tržišta u sklopu projekta razvit će se topikalni pripravci na bazi humane mikrobiote, izuzetno dobrog profila dermatološke kompatibilnosti koji u odnosu na konvencionalne alternative nemaju nuspojava pri primjeni i koji se smiju koristiti bez recepta i nadzora liječnika te na taj način smanjuju financijsko opterećenje na zdravstveni sustav, a poboljšavaju kvalitetu života tih pacijenata.
Ciljne skupine projekta su: globalna populacija, pacijenti s kroničnim upalnim stanjima kože.
Cilj i svrha projekta je razviti proizvod do faze TLR 8 prema kojoj će isti biti na visokoj razini tehnološke spremnosti za komercijalizaciju na globalnom tržištu. Unutar projekta će biti razvijena nova inovativna formulacija topikalnog pripravka, riješeni tehnološki rizici i proizvodni problemi što će rezultirati topikalnim pripravcima na bazi humane mikrobiote i njihovih derivata, izuzetno dobrog profila klinički ispitane dermatološke biokompatibilnosti. Nova, inovativna znanstvena i tehnološka rješenja topikalnih pripravaka za pacijente s kroničnim upalnim stanjima kože kao atopijski dermatitis (AD) i sindrom osjetljive kože (SOK) bit će klinički testirana sa svrhom ispitivanja povećane učinkovitosti, smanjenja nuspojava te poboljšanja kvalitete života tih pacijenata u odnosu na konvencionalne alternative – lokalne kortikosteroide, te sa svrhom poboljšanja spektra djelovanja i time učinkovitosti u tretiranju AD u odnosu na dostupne alternative kortikosteroidima. Dodatnu tržišnu vrijednost predstavlja i njihovo planirano korištenje bez recepta i nadzora liječnika čime će se smanjiti financijsko opterećenje zdravstvenih sustava i poboljšati pristup pacijenata učinkovitim rješenjima za njihove tegobe. Obzirom na epidemiološke podatke, koristi od
formulacije za AD imat će do 20% populacije, a od formulacije za SOK 38 do čak 70% populacije. Radi se o stanjima koja su globalno prisutna pa učinkovita rješenja imaju i globalni potencijal.
12.986.807,92 HRK
HRZZ: Immune PD
Molecular mechanisms of immune response and inflammasome activation in Parkinson's disease

15 Jan 2021 – 14 Jan 2025
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by proteinaceous aggregates and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. The underlying mechanisms causing PD have not been fully elucidated. Persistent inflammation is a major aggravating factor in PD resulting in the loss of dopaminergic neurons. To date, several immune cell types have been shown to be responsible for driving PD progression. Dendritic cells (DCs) lie at the intersection of the immune response and the neurodegenerative process while T cell infiltration generates a harmful immune response. Additionally, there is a strong correlation between inflammasomes and neurodegeneration indicating a possible association between the autoimmune response and neuronal loss. The aim of the project is to identify and characterize underlying mechanisms of immune response and inflammasome activation in PD patients using genomic analyses in order to decipher the pathways involved in the immune system regulation. Furthermore, we will analyze potential protein biomarkers from blood involved in inflammatory pathways and correlate the results with gene expression analyses. The detected gene variants and differential expression profiles of selected immune cell subpopulations will further be characterized using cell lines, as well as in human brain samples. In particular, we will validate the immune response using the knockdown and overexpression approach in DC lines generated from PD patients and healthy controls. In addition, we aim to define the causal relationship between aSyn accumulation and the immune response by knockdown of identified genes in the SH-SY5Y cell line and primary cortical neurons. Finally, in order to validate our mechanicistic findings, the last step will be to perform immunohistochemistry experiments on human brain sections. The results of the project may help identify novel putative targets for development of neuroprotective treatments by modulating the immune response.
Project Leader – Professor Fran Borovečki, MD, PhD
- Antonela Blažeković MD, PhD University of Zagreb School of Medicine
- Kristina Gotovac Jerčić PhD University Hospital Center Zagreb
- Filip Bingula Bacc. University of Zagreb School of Medicine
- Mario Matijašić PhD University of Zagreb School of Medicine
- Miroslav Mayer. Assistant prof. University Hospital Center Zagreb
- Srđana Telarović Prof. University Hospital Center Zagreb
- Helena Šarac MD, PhD University Hospital Center Zagreb
- Borislav Radić Assistant prof. University Hospital Center Zagreb
- Alemka Markotić Prof. University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran Mihaljević"
- Lidija Cvetko Krajinović PhD University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran Mihaljević"
This project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation.
Novel pharmabiotics for inflammatory skin conditions (acronym: SKINBIOTIC)

November 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026
Inflammatory skin conditions are characterized by skin microbiota dysbiosis. Microbiota-based products designed to alleviate disease symptoms and modulate the composition and function of the skin microbiota are of interest to scientists and industry.
Project SKINBIOTIC brings together academic researchers and industrial experts with the aim of investigating the potential of various bacterial strains, their preparations and products - pharmabiotics, in re-establishing skin homeostasis and reducing inflammation. The obtained results will be protected, disseminated and applied in the real sector, and used as the basis of future project proposals aimed at the development of innovative products for topical application in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions.
The main project goal is to investigate the potential of different bacterial strains, their preparations and products, pharmabiotics, in re-establishing skin homeostasis and alleviating the signs and symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions.
The specific project goals include:
- to characterize potential new pharmabiotics in in vitro/ex vivo skin models
- to examine technological feasibility (viability, formulations, stability) by introducing innovations into technological processes
- to establish proof-of-concept by pilot study
- to protect newly created intellectual property and initiate technology transfer processes
- to disseminate the results of the project and prepare new project proposals
The project will establish a solid foundation for future joint efforts of the consortium that could result in new and innovative pharmabiotics for topical application in the treatment of skin affected by inflammatory processes.
University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Mihaela Perić, PhD – project leader)
PROTEKO d.o.o.
Selvita d.o.o.
Ministry of Science, Education and Youth
Project code: NPOO.C3.2.R3-I1.04.0240
Project funding: 2.049.310,02 EUR
Department of Intercellular Communication
- Rep V, Štulić R, Koštrun S, Kuridža B, Crnolatac I, Radić Stojković M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Perić M, Matijašić M, Raić-Malić S. Novel tetrahydropyrimidinyl-substituted benzimidazoles and benzothiazoles: Synthesis, antibacterial activity, DNA interactions and ADME profiling. RSC Medicinal Chemistry. 2022. doi: 10.1039/D2MD00143H
- Hana Čipčić Paljetak, Anja Barešić, Marina Panek, Mihaela Perić, Mario Matijašić, Ivana Lojkić, Ana Barišić, Darija Vranešić Bender, Dina Ljubas Kelečić, Marko Brinar, Mirjana Kalauz, Marija Miličević, Dora Grgić, Nikša Turk, Irena Karas, Silvija Čuković-Čavka, Željko Krznarić & Donatella Verbanac (2022) Gut microbiota in mucosa and feces of newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve adult inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome patients, Gut Microbes, 14:1, DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2083419
- Hrestak, D.; Matijašić, M.; Čipčić Paljetak, H.; Ledić Drvar, D.; Ljubojević Hadžavdić, S.; Perić, M. Skin Microbiota in Atopic Dermatitis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(7), 3503; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23073503
- Alihodžić, S.; Čipčić Paljetak, H.; Čikoš, A.; Elenkov, I.J. New Bicyclic Azalide Macrolides Obtained by Tandem Palladium Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation/Conjugated Addition Reaction. Molecules 2022, 27, 432. doi: 10.3390/molecules27020432
- Mackowiak, C.; Marchiol, T.; Čipčić Paljetak, H.; Fauconnier, L.; Palomo, J.; Secher, T.; Panek, C.; Sedda, D.; Savigny, F.; Erard, F.; Bragonzi, A.; Huaux, F.; Stoeger, T.; Schiller, H. B.; Sirard, J.-C.; Le Bert, M.; Couillin, I.; Quesniaux, V. F. J.; Togbe, D.; Ryffel, B. Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lung Infection Is IL-1R Independent, but Relies on MyD88 Signaling. ImmunoHorizons 2021, 5 (5), 273-283. doi: 10.4049/immunohorizons.2000095.
- E. Tanuhadi, N.I. Gumerova, A. Prado-Roller, M. Galanski, H. Čipčić-Paljetak, D. Verbanac, A. Rompel "Aluminum-substituted Keggin germanotungstate [HAl(H2O)GeW11O39]4-: Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity." Inorg. Chem. 60 (2021) 28-31. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03311
- E. Tanuhadi, E. Al-Sayed, A. Roller, H. Čipčić-Paljetak, D. Verbanac, A. Rompel "Synthesis, characterization and phosphoesterase activity of a series of 4f- and 4d- sandwich-type germanotungstates [(n-C4H9)4N]l/mH2[(M(H2O)3)(γ-GeW10O35)2] (M = CeIII, NdIII, GdIII, ErIII, l = 7; ZrIV, m = 6)." Inorg. Chem. 59 (2020), 14078–14084. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01852
- Meštrović T, Matijašić M, Perić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Barešić A, Verbanac D. The Role of Gut, Vaginal, and Urinary Microbiome in Urinary Tract Infections: From Bench to Bedside. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Dec 22;11(1):E7. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11010007.
- Vukičević S, Perić M, Oppermann H, Štoković N, Ivanjko N, Erjavec I, Kufner V, Vnuk D, Bubić-Špoljar J, Pećin M, Novak R, Matić Jelić I, Bakić K, Milešević M, Blažević V, Rogina L, Vikić-Topić S, Božić T, Verbanac D, Bordukalo Nikšić T, Sampath KT, Pećina M, Matičić D, Grgurević L. Bone morphogenetic proteins: From discovery to development of a novel autologous bone graft substitute consisting of recombinant human BMP6 delivered in autologous blood coagulum carrier. Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Medicinske znanosti, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21857/y6zolb3l1m
- Durdevic D, Vlahovic T, Pehar S, Miklic D, Oppermann H, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Gavrankapetanovic I, Jamakosmanovic M, Milosevic M, Martinovic S, Sampath TK, Peric M, Grgurevic L, Vukicevic S. A novel autologous bone graft substitute comprised of rhBMP6 blood coagulum as carrier tested in a randomized and controlled Phase I trial in patients with distal radial fractures. Bone. 2020 Nov;140:115551. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115551.
- Peric M, Pešić D, Alihodžić S, Fajdetić A, Herreros E, Gamo FJ, Angulo-Barturen I, Jiménez-Díaz MB, Ferrer-Bazaga S, Martínez MS, Gargallo-Viola D, Mathis A, Kessler A, Banjanac M, Padovan J, Bencetić Mihaljević V, Munic Kos V, Bukvić M, Eraković Haber V, Spaventi R. A novel class of fast-acting antimalarial agents: Substituted 15-membered azalides. Br J Pharmacol. 2020 Oct 21. doi: 10.1111/bph.15292.
- Chiari, C., Grgurevic, L., Bordukalo‐Niksic, T., Oppermann, H., Valentinitsch, A., Nemecek, E., Staats, K., Schreiner, M., Trost, C., Kolb, A., Kainberger, F., Pehar, S., Milosevic, M., Martinovic, S., Peric, M., Sampath, T.K., Vukicevic, S. and Windhager, R. Recombinant human BMP6 applied within Autologous Blood Coagulum accelerates bone healing: Randomized controlled trial in High Tibial Osteotomy patients. 2020, J Bone Miner Res. doi:10.1002/jbmr.4107
- Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Gupta M, Pecin M, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Stokovic N, Vnuk D, Farkas V, Capak H, Milosevic M, Bubic Spoljar J, Peric M, Vuckovic M, Maticic M, Windhager R, Oppermann H, T. Sampath K, Vukicevic V. Autologous blood coagulum containing rhBMP6 induces new bone formation to promote anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) and posterolateral lumbar fusion (PLF) of spine in sheep, Bone, 2020,138:115448, doi:10.1016/j.bone.2020.115448.
- Matijašić M, Meštrović T, Čipčić Paljetak H, Perić M, Barešić A, Verbanac D. Gut Microbiota beyond Bacteria-Mycobiome, Virome, Archaeome, and Eukaryotic Parasites in IBD. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Apr 11;21(8):2668. doi: 10.3390/ijms21082668.
- Racané, L.; Ptiček, L.; Fajdetić, G.; Tralić-Kulenović, V.; Klobučar, M.; Kraljević Pavelić, S.; Perić, M.; Čipčić Paljetak, H.; Verbanac, D.; Starčević, K. Green synthesis and biological evaluation of 6-substituted-2-(2-hydroxy/methoxy phenyl)benzothiazole derivatives as potential antioxidant, antibacterial and antitumor agents. Bioorganic Chemistry 2020,95,103537. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103537
- Maslovara S, Butkovic-Soldo S, Peric M, Pajic Matic I, Sestak A. Effect of vestibular rehabilitation on recovery rate and functioning improvement in patients with chronic unilateral vestibular hypofunction and bilateral vestibular hypofunction, 2019, NeuroRehabilitation, 44 (1), 95-102. doi: 10.3233/NRE-182524.
- Stepanić V, Matijašić M, Horvat T, Verbanac D, Kučerová-Chlupáčová M, Sasso L, Žarković N. Antioxidant Activities of Alkyl Substituted Pyrazine Derivatives of Chalcones— In Vitro and In Silico Study. Antioxidants 2019, 8, 90; doi:10.3390/antiox8040090
- Grgurevic L, Oppermann H, Pecin M, Erjavec I, Capak H, Pauk M, Karlovic S, Kufner V, Lipar M, Bubic Spoljar J, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Maticic D, Peric M, Windhager R, Sampath TK, Vukicevic S. Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6 Delivered Within Autologous Blood Coagulum Restores Critical Size Segmental Defects of Ulna in Rabbits. JBMR Plus. 2018 Nov 5;3(5):e10085. doi: 10.1002/jbm4.10085.
- Leskovar D, Meštrović T, Barešić A, Kraljević I, Panek M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Perić M, Matijašić M, Rogić D, Barišić A, Kelečić DL, Bender DV, Krznarić Ž, Verbanac D. The Role of Vitamin D in Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Assessing Therapeutic and Preventive Potential of Supplementation and Food Fortification. Food Tech Biotech 2018, 56(4), 455-463, DOI: 10.17113/ftb.
- Leskovar D, Kraljević I, Panek M, Kunović A, Meštrović T, Perić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Matijašić M, Barešić A, Vranešić Bender D, Čuković Čavka S, Brinar M, Turk N, Crnčević Urek M, Kalauz M, Kufner V, Brajša K, Ergović G, Ljubas Kelečić D, Grgić D, Karas I, Rogić D, Banić M, Krznarić Ž, Verbanac D. Vitamin D u bolesnika sa sindromom iritabilnog crijeva- status i modulatorni čimbenici. Medix 2018 (God 24, Br 132)
- Gumerova NI, Al-Sayed E, Krivosudský L, Čipčić-Paljetak H, Verbanac D and Rompel A. Antibacterial Activity of Polyoxometalates Against Moraxella catarrhalis. Front. Chem. 2018 6:336. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00336
- Dumic-Cule I, Peric M, Kucko L, Grgurevic L, Pecina M, Vukicevic S. Bone morphogenetic proteins in fracture repair. Int Orthop. 2018 Sep 15. doi: 10.1007/s00264-018-4153-y.
- Mašek T, Perin N, Racané L, Cindrić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Perić M, Matijašić M, Verbanac D, Radić B, Šuran J, Starčević K. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Different Extracts of Poplar Type Propolis. Croat. Chem. Acta 2018, 91(1), 81–88 DOI: 10.5562/cca3298
- Panek M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Barešić A, Perić M, Matijašić M, Lojkić I, Vranešić Bender D, Krznarić Ž, and Verbanac D. Methodology challenges in studying human gut microbiota – effects of collection, storage, DNA extraction and next generation sequencing technologies. Sci Rep. 2018. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-23296-4
- Cindrić M, Perić M, Kralj M, Martin-Kleiner I, David-Cordonnier M-H, Čipčić Paljetak H, Matijašić M, Verbanac D, Karminski-Zamola G and Hranjec M. Antibacterial and antiproliferative activity of novel 2-benzimidazolyl- and 2-benzothiazolyl-substituted benzo[b]thieno-2-carboxamides. Mol Divers 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11030-018-9822-7 22(3):637-646
- Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Grgurevic I, Dumic-Cule I, Brkljacic J, Verbanac D, Matijasic M, Cipcic Paljetak H, Novak R, Plecko M, Bubic-Spoljar J, Rogic D, Kufner V, Pauk M, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Vukicevic S. Systemic inhibition of BMP1-3 decreases progression of CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in rats. Growth Factors. 2017 35(6):201-15. doi: 10.1080/08977194.2018.1428966.
- Perin N, Starčević K, Perić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Matijašić M, Stepanić V, Verbanac D, Karminski-Zamola G, Hranjec M. Synthesis and SAR Study of Novel Amidino 2-substituted Benzimidazoles as Potential Antibacterial Agents. Croat. Chem. Acta 2017, 90(2) DOI: 10.5562/cca3147
- Verbanac D, Perić M, Matijašić M, Panek M, Meštrović T, Leskovar D, Kraljević I, Rogić D, Kunović A, Vranešić D, Krznarić Ž, Čipčić Paljetak H. Uloga i promjene mikrobiote u postmenopauzi. Medix 2017 (God 23, Br 126)
- Čipčić Paljetak, H.; Tomasković, L.; Matijasić, M.; Bukvić, M.; Fajdetić, A.; Verbanac, D.; Perić, M. Macrolide Hybrid Compounds: Drug Discovery Opportunities in Anti-Infective and Anti-Inflammatory Area. Curr. Top. Med. Chem., 2017, 17(8):919-940. doi: 10.2174/1568026616666160927160036
- Čipčić Paljetak, H., D. Verbanac, J. Padovan, M. Dominis-Kramarić, Ż. Kelnerić, M. Perić, M. Banjanac, G. Ergović, N. Simon, J. Broskey, D. J. Holmes, and V. Eraković Haber. 2016. Macrolones - novel class of macrolide antibiotics active against key resistant respiratory pathogens in vitro and in vivo. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2016, 60(9):5337-48. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00524-16
- Verbanac D, Malik R, Chand M, Kushwaha K, Vashist M, Matijašić M, Stepanić V, Perić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Saso L, Jain SC. Synthesis and evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activity of novel 2-phenyl-quinoline analogs derivatized at position 4 with aromatically substituted 4H-1,2,4-triazoles. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2016, doi: 10.1080/14756366.2016.1190714
- Matijašić M, Meštrović T, Perić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Panek M, Vranešić Bender D, Ljubas Kelečić D, Krznarić Ž, Verbanac D. Modulating Composition and Metabolic Activity of the Gut Microbiota in IBD Patients. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17, 578; doi:10.3390/ijms17040578
- Maračić S, Kraljević TG, Čipčić Paljetak H, Perić M, Matijašić M, Verbanac D, Cetina M, Raić-Malić S. 1,2,3-Triazole pharmacophore-based benzofused nitrogen/sulfur heterocycles with potential anti-Moraxella catarrhalis activity. Bioorg Med Chem. 2015 Dec 1;23(23):7448-63. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2015.10.042.
- Stolić I, Čipčić Paljetak H, Perić M, Matijašić M, Stepanić V, Verbanac D, Bajić M. Synthesis and structure–activity relationship of amidine derivatives of 3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene as novel antibacterial agents. Eur J Med Chem. 90 (2015);68-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2014.11.003.
- Peric M, Dumic-Cule I, Grcevic D, Matijasic M, Verbanac D, Paul R, Grgurevic L, Trkulja V, Bagi CM, Vukicevic S. The rational use of animal models in the evaluation of novel bone regenerative therapies. Bone 70 (2015) 73-86. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.07.010.
- Vukicevic S, Oppermann H, Verbanac D, Jankolija M, Popek I, Curak J, Brkljacic J, Pauk M, Erjavec I, Francetic I, Dumic-Cule I, Jelic M, Durdevic D, Vlahovic T, Novak R, Kufner V, Bordukalo Niksic T, Kozlovic M, Banic Tomisic Z, Bubic-Spoljar J, Bastalic I, Vikic-Topic S, Peric M, Pecina M, Grgurevic L. The clinical use of bone morphogenetic proteins revisited: a novel biocompatible carrier device OSTEOGROW for bone healing. Int Orthop. 2014, 38(3):635-47. doi: 10.1007/s00264-013-2201-1.
- Donatella Verbanac, Mihaela Perić, Hana Čipčić-Paljetak, Mario Matijašić and Višnja Stepanić. Biologically active ingredients from food with anti-obesity properties; In: „Obesity: Public Health Problem and Medical Challenge“ - Proceedings of the symposium held on 8 May 2014 in Rijeka, (Ed.: D. Rukavina), Cro.Acad.Sci&Arts, Zagreb-Rijeka, 2014, p. 133-150
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- Tomaskovic, L., M. Komac, O. Makaruha Stegic, V. Munic, J. Ralic, B. Stanic, M. Banjanac, S. Markovic, B. Hrvacic, H. Cipcic Paljetak, J. Padovan, I. Glojnaric, V. Erakovic Haber, M. Mesic, and M. Mercep. Macrolactonolides: A novel class of anti-inflammatory compounds. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 21:321-332. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2012.10.036.
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- Jelić D, Tatić I, Trzun M, Hrvačić B, Brajša K, Verbanac D, Tomašković M, Čulić O, Antolović R, Glojnarić I, Weygand-Đurašević I, Vladimir-Knežević S, Mildner B. Porphyrins as new endogenous anti-inflammatory agents. Eur J Pharmacol, 2012, 691(1-3):251-60. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2012.05.049.
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- Matijašić M, Munić Kos V, Nujić K, Cužić S, Padovan J, Kragol G, Alihodžić S, Mildner B, Verbanac D, Eraković Haber V. Fluorescently labeled macrolides as a tool for monitoring cellular and tissue distribution of azithromycin. Pharmacol Res, 2012, 66:332-342. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2012.06.001.
- Rubelj I, Stepanić V, Jelić D, Škrobot Vidaček N, Čukušić Kalajžić A, Ivanković M, Nujić K, Matijašić M, Verbanac D. Tebrophen – An Old Polyphenol Drug with Anticancer Potential. Molecules, 2012, 17(7):7864-7886. doi: 10.3390/molecules17077864.
- Starčević K, Pešić D, Toplak A, Landek G, Alihodžić S, Herreros E, Ferrer S, Spaventi R, Perić M. Novel hybrid molecules based on 15-membered azalide as potential antimalarial agents. Eur J Med Chem, 2012, 49:365-78. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2012.01.039.
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- Verbanac D, Jain SC, Jain N, Chand M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Matijašić M, Perić M, Stepanić V, Sasso L. An efficient and convenient microwave-assisted chemical synthesis of (thio)xanthones with additional in vitro and in silico characterization. Bioorganic Med Chem, 2012, 20:3180-3185. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2012.03.074.
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- Leljak-Levanić, D., H. Čipčić Paljetak, L. Uzelac, S. Mihaljević, N. Bauer, M. Krsnik-Rasol, and S. Jelaska. Extracellular Glycoproteins in Embryogenic Culture of Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.). Food Technology and Biotechnology 2011, 49: 156-161.
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- Matanovic Skugor, M., V. Stimac, I. Palej, D. Lugaric, H. Cipcic Paljetak, D. Filic, M. Modric, I. Djilovic, D. Gembarovski, S. Mutak, V. Erakovic Haber, D. J. Holmes, Z. Ivezic-Schoenfeld, and S. Alihodzic. Synthesis and biological activity of 4''-O-acyl derivatives of 14- and 15-membered macrolides linked to [omega]-quinolone-carboxylic unit. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2010, 18: 6547-6558. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2010.06.050.
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- Jelić D, Nujić K, Stepanić V, Kovačević K, Verbanac D. 6-Imino-2-thioxo-pyrimidinones as a new class of dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors. Medicinal chemistry research. 2011, 3; 339-345. DOI: 10.1007/s00044-010-9314-5
Odjel za proteomiku
- Novak, R., Salai, G., Hrkac, S., Kovacevic Vojtusek, I. and Grgurevic, L. Revisiting the Role of NAG Across the Continuum of Kidney Disease. (2023) Bioengineering, 10,444. https://doi.org/10.3390/ bioengineering10040444
- Grgurevic, L., Novak, R., Salai, G., Hrkac, S., Mocibob, M., Kovacevic Vojtusek, I., Laganovic, M. Stage II of Chronic Kidney Disease—A Tipping Point in Disease Progression? (2022) Biomedicines. 2022, 10, 1522. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10071522
- Grgurevic, L., Novak, R., Salai, G., Hrkac, S., Mocibob, M., Kovacevic Vojtusek, I., Laganovic, M. Stage II of Chronic Kidney Disease—A Tipping Point in Disease Progression? (2022) Biomedicines. 2022, 10, 1522.¸ https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10071522
- Kovacevic Vojtusek, I., Laganović, M., Burek Kamenaric, M., Bulimbasic, S., Hrkac, S., Salai, G., Ivkovic, V., Coric, M., Novak, R., Grgurevic, L. First characterization of ADAMTS-4 in kidney tissue and plasma of patients with chronic kidney disease - a potential novel diagnostic indicator. (2022) Diagnostics. 12, 648. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12030648
- Hrkac, S., Novak, R., Salai, G., Grazio, S., Vlahovic, T., Grgurevic, L. Heterotopic ossification vs. fracture healing: Extracellular vesicle cargo proteins shed new light on bone formation. (2022) Bone reports. 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.bonr.2022.101177
- Hrkac S, Novak R, Salai G, Grazio S,Vlahovic T, Grgurevic L. Different cytokine expression profiles in metaphyseal and diaphyseal fracture healing may provide new insights in the field of bone regeneration RAD CASA - Medical Sciences. 552=58-59 (2022): 10-19 DOI: 10.21857/y6zolb6vzm
- Salai G, Bilic E, Primorac D, Mahovic Lakusic D, Bilic H, Lazibat I, Grgurević L. Benign Fasciculation Syndrome and Migraine Aura without Headache: Possible Rare Side Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine? A Case Report and a Potential Hypothesis. Vaccines. 2022; 10(1):117. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10010117
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- Novak, R., Hrkac, S., Salai, G., Bilandzic, J., Mitar, L., Grgurevic, L. The role of ADAMTS-4 in atherosclerosis and vessel wall abnormalities. (2022), JVR. https://doi.org/10.1159/000521498
- Fabris, D., Karmelić, I., Muharemović, H., Sajko, T., Jurilj, M., Potočki, S., Novak, R., Vukelić, Ž. Ganglioside Composition Distinguishes Anaplastic Ganglioglioma Tumor Tissue from Peritumoral Brain Tissue: Complementary Mass Spectrometry and Thin-layer Chromatography Evidence. (2021), IJMS. 2021, 22, 8844. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22168844
- Simeon Grazio , Vanja Bašić Kes , Dijana Zadravec , Karlo Houra , Lovorka Grgurević , Tomislav Nemčić , Ivan Mikula , Marijana Lisak , Branka Aukst Margetić , Diana Balen , Vide Bilić , Boris Božić , Stipe Ćorluka , Frane Grubišić , Neven Ištvanović, Dalibor Karlović , Neven Kauzlarić, Dražen Kvesić, Darko Ledić, Petra Margetić , Tatjana Nikolić , Darko Perović, Dubravka Sajković , Tea Schnurrer Luke Vrbanić, Hana Skala Kavanagh , Ivan Škoro , Tonko Vlak, Ana Poljičanin, Krešimir Rotim. Smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje bolesnika s vratoboljom – 1. dio Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of patients with neck pain – Part 1. Liječ Vjesn 2021;143:143–162 https://doi.org/10.26800/LV-143-5-6-1
- Simeon Grazio1, Darko Perović , Hana Skala Kavanagh , Tonko Vlak , Tea Schnurrer Luke Vrbanić , Frane Grubišić , Boris Božić , Neven Kauzlarić , Vide Bilić , Dalibor Karlović , Darko Ledić , Tatjana Nikolić , Ana Poljičanin , Branka Aukst Margetić , Dražen Kvesić, Ivan Škoro , Neven Ištvanović , Dubravka Sajković , Stipe Ćorluka , Diana Balen , Vanja Bašić Kes, Lovorka Grgurević, Karlo Houra, Marijana Lisak, Petra Margetić, Ivan Mikula, Tomislav Nemčić , Dijana Zadravec, Krešimir Rotim. Smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje bolesnika s vratoboljom – 2. dio Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of patients with neck pain – Part 2. Liječ Vjesn 2021;143:327–348 https://doi.org/10.26800/LV-143-9-10-1
- Grgurevic, L., Novak, R., Hrkac, S., Salai, G., Grazio, S. Post-COVID-19 exacerbation of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with multiple flare-ups and extensive heterotopic ossification in 45-year old woman. (2021) Rheumatology International 41(8), 1495-1501. http://10.1007/s00296-021-04911-6.
- Grgurevic, L., Novak, R., Salai, G., Trkulja, V., Ferhatovic Hamzic, L., Zgombic Popovic, V., Bozic, D. Identification of bone morphogenetic protein 4 in saliva after placement of fixed orthodontic appliance. (2021) Progress in Orthodontics 22:19. doi: 10.1186/s40510-021-00364-6
- Salai, G., Zelenika, M., Hrhač, S., Trkulja, V., Bilandžić, J., Grgurević, J., Novak, R. and Grgurević, L. Plasma levels of soluble TGF β receptor type III: no apparent promise as a marker in acute pancreatitis. CMJ (2021); 62:264-9. https://doi.org/10.3325/cmj.2021.62.26
- Grazio, S., Grgurević, L., Perović, D., Schnurrer, T., Vrbanić, L., Kovač, Z., Božić, B., Houra, K., Borić, I., Kvesić, D., Novak, R., Ferhatović Hamzić, L., Grubišić, F., Sajko, T., Saftić, R., Dokuzović, S., Rotim, K. (2021) Novosti u etiopatogenezi, dijagnostici i liječenju bolesnika s degenerativnim promjenama intervertebralnog diska slabinskog dijela kralježnice. Liječ Vjesn 2021;143:63–77. https://doi.org/10.26800/LV-143-1-2-9
- Grgurevic, L., Novak, R., Trkulja, V., Hrkac, S., Salai, G., Bilandzic, J., Ferhatovic Hamzic, L., Milas, I., Vucemilo, T., Peric Balja, M. and Bilic. K. Plasma levels and tissue expression of soluble TGFβrIII receptor in women with early‑stage breast cancer and in healthy women: a prospective observational study. J Transl Med (2020) 18:478. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-020-02659-4
- Zgombić Popović, V., Grgurević, L., Trkulja, V., Novak, R. and Negovetić-Vranić, D. The role of new technologies in defining salivary protein composition following placement of fixed orthodontic appliances – breakthrough in the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Acta Clin Croat (2020); 59:1-9. https://doi.org/10.20471/acc.2020.59.03.12
- Vukičević S., Perić M., Oppermann H., Štoković N., Ivanjko N., Erjavec I., Kufner V., Vnuk D., Bubić-Špoljar J., Pećin M., Novak R., Matić Jelić I., Bakić K., Milešević M., Rumenović V., Popek I., Pehar S., Martinović S., Blažević V., Rogina L., Vikić-Topić S., Božić T., Verbanac D., Bordukalo Nikšić T., Sampath K., Pećina M., Matičić D., Grgurević L. (2020) Bone morphogenetic proteins: From discovery to development of a novel autologous bone graft substitute consisting of recombinant human BMP6 delivered in autologous blood coagulum carrier. RAD 544. Medical Sciences 52-53 (2020) : 26-41.
- Grgurević L. i Novak R. (2020) Identifikacija markera za osteoporozu – molekularna dilema. Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina. 34(3-4):97-164.
- Murgic J, Grgurevic L, Grazio S, Vukojevic R, Hoxha N, Maric-Brozic J, Soldic Z, Zovak M , Fröbe A. In Regard to Lee et al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2020 105(5):1392-1394. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2020.07.016
- Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Gupta M, Pecin M, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Stokovic N, Vnuk D, Farkas V, Capak H, Milosevic M, Bubic Spoljar J, Peric M, Vuckovic M, Maticic D, Windhager R, Oppermann H, Sampath TK, Vukicevic S.Autologous blood coagulum containing rhBMP6 induces new bone formation to promote anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) and posterolateral lumbar fusion (PLF) of spine in sheep. Bone. 2020 Sep;138:115448. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115448.
- Chiari C, Grgurevic L, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Oppermann H, Valentinitsch A, Nemecek E, Staats K, Schreiner M, Trost C, Kolb A, Kainberger F, Pehar S, Milosevic M, Martinovic S, Peric M, Sampath TK, Vukicevic S, Windhager R.Chiari C, et al. Recombinant Human BMP6 Applied Within Autologous Blood Coagulum Accelerates Bone Healing: Randomized Controlled Trial in High Tibial Osteotomy Patients. J Bone Miner Res. 2020 Jun 16. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4107.
- Durdevic D, Vlahovic T, Pehar S, Miklic D, Oppermann H, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Gavrankapetanovic I, Jamakosmanovic M, Milosevic M, Martinovic S, Sampath TK, Peric M, Grgurevic L, Vukicevic S. A novel autologous bone graft substitute comprised of rhBMP6 blood coagulum as carrier tested in a randomized and controlled Phase I trial in patients with distal radial fractures. Bone. 2020 Nov;140:115551. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115551.
- Grgurević, L., Novak, R., Trkulja, V., Ferhatović Hamzić, L., Hrkač, S., Grazio, S., Santini, M. Elevated plasma RANTES in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva – A novel therapeutic target? Medical Hypotheses, 131 (2019) 109313. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2019.109313
- Košec, A.#, Novak, R.#, Konjevoda, P., Trkulja, V., Bedeković, V. and Grgurević, L. Tumor tissue hnRNP M and HSP 90α as potential predictors of disease-specific mortality in patients with early-stage cutaneous head and neck melanoma: a proteomics-based study. Oncotarget, (2019). 10:6713-6722. #Jednak doprinos autora. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.27333
- Vukicevic S, Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Pecin M, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Stokovic N, Lipar M, Capak H, Maticic D, Windhager R, Sampath TK, Gupta M. Autologous blood coagulum is a physiological carrier for BMP6 to induce new bone formation and promote posterolateral lumbar spine fusion in rabbits. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2019 Oct 31. doi: 10.1002/term.2981
- V Farkaš, L Grgurević ; Bone morphogenetic proteins in a rabbit posterolateral spinal fusion model: an overview. Veterinarska stanica, Vol. 50 No. 4, 2019
- Pauk M, Bordukalo‑Niksic T, Brkljacic J, Paralkar VM, Brault AL, Dumic‑Cule I, Borovecki F, Grgurevic L, Vukicevic S: A novel role of bone morphogenetic protein 6 (BMP6) in glucose homeostasis. Acta Diabetol. 2019 Mar;56(3):365-371. doi: 10.1007/s00592-018-1265-1.
- Grgurevic L, Vukicevic S: OSTEOGROW – novel bone device for bone regeneration. Medical Sciences, Rad 533, 2018
- Vučinić N, Erić M, Grgurević L, Dumić-Čule I, Tičinović N. PALMARIS LONGUS ABSENT IN ONE IDENTICAL TWIN: A CASE REPORT. Acta Clin Croat. 2018 Dec;57(4):772-775. doi: 10.20471/acc.2018.57.04.21.
- Grgurevic L, Oppermann H, Pecin M, Erjavec I, Capak H, Pauk M, Karlovic S, Kufner V, Lipar M, Bubic Spoljar J, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Maticic D, Peric M, Windhager R, Sampath TK, Vukicevic S. Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6 Delivered Within Autologous Blood Coagulum Restores Critical Size Segmental Defects of Ulna in Rabbits. JBMR Plus. 2018 Nov 5;3(5):e10085. doi: 10.1002/jbm4.10085.
- Suton P, Bolanca A, Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Nikles I, Muller D, Manojlovic S, Vukicevic S, Petrovecki M, Dokuzovic S, Luksic I: Prognostic significance of bone morphogenetic protein 6 (BMP6) expression, clinical and pathological factors in clinically node-negative oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2018.10.003.
- Dumic-Cule I, Peric M, Kucko L, Grgurevic L, Pecina M, Vukicevic S.: Bone morphogenetic proteins in fracture repair. Int Orthop. 42(11):2619-2626, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s00264-018-4153-y.
- Vukicevic S, Kusic Z, Grgurevic L: Science communication to the public. Croat Med J. 30;59(2):43-45, 2018. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2018.59.43.
- Štoković N, Trkulja V, Čuković-Bagić I, Lauc T, Grgurević L.: Anatomical variations of the frontal sinus and its relationship with the orbital cavity. Clinical Anatomy, 31(4):576-582, 2018. doi: 10.1002/ca.22999.
- Somborac-Bačura, A., Rumora, L., Novak, R., Rašić, D., Dumić, J., Čepelak, I. and Žanić-Grubišić, T. Differential expression of HSPs and activation of MAPKs in A549 alveolar epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract. Experimental Physiology, 2018 Dec;103(12):1666-1678. doi: 10.1113/EP087038.
- Grazio S, Bašić Kes V, Grgurević L, Božić B, Perović D, Zadravec D, Grubišić F, Kvesić D, Mikula I, Nemčić T, Borić I, Houra K, Mustapić M, Nikolić T, Lisak M, Dumić-Čule I, Vukojević R, Koprek I, Brnić V, Rotim K. Stenoza spinalnog kanala slabinske kralježnice – od epidemiologije do rehabilitacije. Liječ Vijesn 2018; 140:34-49. https://doi.org/10.26800/LV-140-1-2-5
- Grgurevic, L., Erjavec, I., Grgurevic, I., Dumic-Cule, I., Brkljacic, J., Verbanac, D., Matijasic, M., Cipcic Paljetak, H., Novak, R., Plecko, M., Bubic-Spoljar, J., Rogic, D., Kufner, V., Pauk, M., Bordukalo-Niksic, T., Vukicevic, S. Systemic inhibition of BMP1-3 decreases progression of CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in rats. Growth Factors, 2017 Dec;35(6):201-215. doi: 10.1080/08977194.2018.1428966
- Mokos ZB, Jovic A, Grgurevic L, Dumic-Cule I, Kostovic K, Ceovic R, Marinovic B. Current Therapeutic Approach to Hypertrophic Scars. Front Med (Lausanne), 20;4:83, 2017. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2017.00083.
- Grgurevic L, Dumic-Cule I, Vukicevic S: BMPs in Inflammation. In: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins: System Biology Regulators (Editors: Vukicevic S, Sampath KT), Springer International Publishing AG, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47507-3
- Sampath KT, Grgurevic L, Vukicevic S: Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 and Its Role in Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Failure. In: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins: System Biology Regulators (Editors: Vukicevic S, Sampath KT), Springer International Publishing AG, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47507-3_12
- Grgurevic L, Erjavec I, Dumic-Cule I, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Pauk M, Trkulja V, Maticic D, Pecin M, Lipar M, Peric M, Vukicevic S: Osteogrow: A Novel Bone Graft Substitute for Orthopedic. In: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins: System Biology Regulators (Editors: Vukicevic S, Sampath KT), Springer International Publishing AG, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47507-3_12
- Grgurevic L, Pecina M, Vukicevic S: Marshall R. Urist and the discovery of bone morphogenetic proteins. International Orthopaedics 41:1065-1069, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s00264-017-3402-9.
- Grgurević L. Funkcionalna i topografska anatomija vratne kralježnice. Zbornik sažetaka sa simpozija „Smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje bolesnika s vratoboljom“. Fiz. rehabil. med. 2017;30(3-4):123-163
- Grgurevic L. Osteogrow Development: Bmp6 Bone Device For Enhancing Bone Healing. Clinical Therapeutics 6;38(10S):e9-e10, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2016.07.106.
- Grgurevic L, Dumic-Čule I, Vukicevic S. Osteogrow-nova terapija za koštanu regeneraciju.Fiz.rehabil.med.2016;28:102-110
- Erjavec I, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Brkljacic J, Grcevic D, Mokrovic G, Kesic M, Rogic D, Zavadoski W, Paralkar VM, Grgurevic L, Trkulja V, Cicin-Sain L, Vukicevic S: Constitutively Elevated Blood Serotonin Is Associated with Bone Loss and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats. PLoS One 23;11(2):e0150102, 2016. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150102.
- Grgurević L, Christensen GL, Schulz T, Vukicevic S: Bone morphogenetic proteins in inflammation, glucose homeostasis and adipose tissue energy metabolism. Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews 27:205-118, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2015.12.009.
- Stokovic N, Trkulja V, Dumic-Cule I, Cukovic-Bagic I, Lauc T, Vukicevic S, Grgurevic L. Sphenoid sinus types, dimensions and relationship with surrounding structures. Annals of Anatomy 203:69-76, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2015.02.013.
- Pauk, Martina; Grgurević, Lovorka; Brkljačić, Jelena; Kufner, Vera; Bordukalo-Nikšić, Tatjana; Grabušić, Kristina; Razdorov, Genadij; Rogić, Dunja; Zuvić, Marijan; Oppermann, Hermann et al. Exogenous BMP7 corrects plasma iron overload and bone loss in Bmp6-/- mice // International orthopaedics,39 (2015), 1; 161-172. doi:10.1007/s00264-014-2550-4
- Badovinac, Ana; Razdorov, Genadij; Grgurević, Lovorka; Puhar, Ivan; Plančak, Darije; Božić, Darko. Primjena tehnologije LC-MS/MS za proteomsku analizu gingivnog tkiva: eksperimentalno istraživanje // Acta stomatologica Croatica,47 (2013), 1; 10-20. https://doi.org/10.15644/asc47/1/2
- Grazio, Simeon; Razdorov, Genadij; Erjavec, Igor; Grubišić, Frane; Kusić, Zvonko; Punda, Marija; Antičević, Darko; Vukičević, Slobodan; Grgurević, Lovorka. Differential expression of proteins with heparin affinity in patients with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis– a preliminary study // Clinical and experimental rheumatology,31 (2013), 5; 665-671.
- Božić, Darko; Grgurević, Lovorka; Erjavec, Igor; Brkljačić, Jelena; Orlić, Iva; Razdorov, Genadij; Grgurević, Ivica; Vukičević, Slobodan; Plančak, Darije. The proteome and gene expression profile of cementoblastic cells treated by bone morphogenetic protein-7 in vitro // Journal of clinical periodontology, 39 (2012), 1; 80-90 doi:10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01794.x
- Božić, Darko; Grgurević, Lovorka; Erjavec, Igor; Razdorov, Genadij; Brkljačić, Jelena; Orlić, Iva; Plančak, Darije. Effect of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 on Gene Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4, Dentin Matrix Protein-1, Insulin-like Growth Factor-I and –II in Cementoblasts In Vitro // Collegium antropologicum,36 (2012), 4; 1265-1271.
Laboratorij za mineralizirana tkiva
- Stokovic N, Ivanjko N, Milesevic M, Sampath TK, Vukicevic S. A simple rodent subcutaneous assay for identification of new osteoinductive molecules: The key method for screening of novel bone regeneration implants. RAD CASA. Medical Sciences 553 (60-61): 40-53, 2022. doi: 10.21857/y54jofvgxm
- Stokovic N, Ivanjko N, Matic Jelic I, Milesevic M, Rumenovic V, Blazevic V, Rogina L, Bastalic I, Erjavec I, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Kufner V, Adanic D, Peric M, Pecina M, Sampath TK, Vukicevic S. State-of-the-art of the Bone Morphogenetic Protein research field: 13th International BMP Conference, Dubrovnik 2022. RAD CASA. Medical Sciences 553 (60-61): 84-99, 2022. doi: 10.21857/ypn4ocd309
- Stokovic N, Ivanjko N, Pecin M, Erjavec I, Smajlović A, Milesevic M, Karlovic S, Capak H, Vrbanac Z, Maticic D, Vukicevic S. Long-term posterolateral spinal fusion in rabbits induced by rhBMP6 applied in autologous blood coagulum with synthetic ceramics. Scientific Reports 12:11649, 2022. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14931-2.
- Stokovic N, Ivanjko N, Rumenovic V, Breski A, Sampath KT, Peric M, Pecina M, Vukicevic S. Comparison of synthetic ceramic products formulated with autologous blood coagulum containing rhBMP6 for induction of bone formation. Int Orthop.46:2693-2704, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s00264-022-05546-3
- Bordukalo-Niksic T, Kufner V, Vukicevic S. The Role of BMPs in the regulation of osteoclasts resorption and bone remodeling: From experimental models to clinical applications. Frontiers in Immunology 13:869422, 2022. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.869422
- Vukicevic S, Colliva A, Kufner V, Martinelli V, Moimas S, Vodret S, Rumenovic V, Milosevic M, Brkljacic B, Delic-Brkljacic D, Correa R, Giacca M, Maglione M, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Dumic-Cule I, Zacchigna S. Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1.3 inhibition decreases scar formation and supports cardiomyocyte survival after myocardial infarction. Nature Communications 13:81, 2022. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27622-9.
- Marino S, Hannemann N, Bishop RT., Zeng F, Carrasco G, Meurisse S, Li B, Sophocleous A, Sparatore A, Baeuerle T, Vukicevic S, Auberval M, Mollat P, Bozec A, Idris AI. Anti-inflammatory, but not osteoprotective, effect of the TRAF6/CD40 inhibitor 6877002 in rodent models of local and systemic osteolysis. Biochemical Pharmacology 195:114869, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2021.114869
- Banovac I, Grgurevic L, Rumenovic V, Vukicevic S, Erjavec I. BMP3 affects cortical and trabecular long bone development in mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23:785, 2022. doi: 10.3390/ijms23020785
- Bordukalo-Niksic T, Kufner V. BMP1.3 protein as potential target in treatment of fibrosis. RAD CASA - Medical Sciences 548:56-69, 2021. doi: : 10.21857/y7v64t0oxy
- Pecin M, Stokovic, N, Ivanjko N, Smajlovic A, Kreszinger M, Capak H, Vrbanac Z, Oppermann H, Maticic D, Vukicevic S. A novel autologous bone graft substitute containing rhBMP6 in autologous blood coagulum with synthetic ceramics for reconstruction of a large humerus segmental gunshot defect in a dog: The first veterinary patient to receive a novel osteoinductive therapy. Bone Reports 14:100759, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.bonr.2021.100759
- Štoković N, Ivanjko N, Milešević M, Matić Jelić I, Bakić K, Rumenović V, Oppermann H, Shimp L, Sampath TK, Pećina M, Vukičević S. Synthetic ceramic macroporous blocks as a scaffold in ectopic bone formation induced by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 6 within autologous blood coagulum in rats. International Orthopaedics 45(4):1097-1107, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s00264-020-04847-9
- Stokovic N, Ivanjko N, Maticic D, Luyten FP, Vukicevic S. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, carriers and animal models in the development of novel bone regenerative therapies. Materials 14:3513, 2021. doi: 10.3390/ma14133513
- Stokovic N, Ivanjko N, Erjavec I, Breski A, Peric M, Vukicevic S. Zoledronate Bound to Ceramics Increases Ectopic Bone Volume Induced by rhBMP6 Delivered in Autologous Blood Coagulum in Rats. Biomedicines 9:1487, 2021. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9101487
- Pauk M, Kufner V, Rumenović V, Dumić-Čule I, Farkaš V, Milošević M, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Vukičević S. Iron overload in aging Bmp6(-/-) mice induces exocrine pancreatic injury and fibrosis due to acinar cell loss. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 47(4):1-8, 2021, doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2021.4893
- Lammens J, Maréchal M, Delport H, Geris L, Oppermann H, Vukicevic S, Luyten FP. A cell-based combination product for the repair of large bone defects. Bone 138:115511, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115511
- Vukicevic S, Peric M, Oppermann H, Stokovic N, Ivanjko N, Erjavec I, Kufner V, Vnuk D, Bubic-Spoljar J, Pecin M, Novak R, Matic Jelic I, Bakic K, Milesevic M, Rumenovic V, Popek I, Pehar S, Martinovic S, Blazevic V, Rogina L, Vikic-Topic S, Bozic T, Verbanac D, Bordukalo Niksic T, Sampath TK, Pecina M, Maticic D, Grgurevic L. Bone morphogenetic proteins: From discovery to development of a novel autologous bone graft substitute consisting of recombinant human BMP6 delivered in autologous blood coagulum carrier. RAD CASA - Medical Sciences 544:26-41, 2020. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.21857/mnlqgc5vgy
- Štoković N, Ivanjko N, Erjavec I, Milošević M, Oppermann H, Shimp L, Sampath KT, Vukičević S. Autologous bone graft substitute containing rhBMP6 within autologous blood coagulum and synthetic ceramics of different particle size determines the quantity and structural pattern of bone formed in a rat subcutaneous assay. Bone 141, 2020, doi: 10.1016/jbone.2020.115654
- Sampath TK, Vukičević S. Biology of bone morphogenetic protein in bone repair and regeneration: A role for autologous blood coagulum as carrier. Bone 141, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115602
- Đurđević D, Vlahović T, Pehar S, Miklić D, Oppermann H, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Gavrankapetanović I, Jamakosmanović M, Milošević M, Martinović S, Sampath TK, Perić M, Grgurević L, Vukičević S. A novel autologous bone graft substitute comprised of rhBMP6 blood coagulum as carrier tested in a randomized and controlled Phase I trial in patients with distal radial fractures. Bone 140, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115551
- Štoković N, Ivanjko N, Pećin M, Erjavec I, Karlović S, Smajlović A, Capak H, Milošević M, Bubić Špoljar J, Vnuk D, Matičić D, Oppermann H, Sampath TK, Vukičević S. Evaluation of synthetic ceramics as compression resistant matrix to promote osteogenesis of autologous blood coagulum containing recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 6 in rabbit posterolateral lumbar fusion model. Bone 140, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115544
- Grgurević L, Erjavec I, Gupta M, Pećin M, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Štoković N, Vnuk D, Farkaš V, Capak H, Milošević M, Bubić Špoljar J, Perić M, Vučković M, Matičić D, Windhager R, Oppermann H, Sampath TK; Vukičević S. Autologous blood coagulum containing rhBMP6 induces new bone formation to promote anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) and posterolateral lumbar fusion (PLF) of spine in sheep. Bone 138, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115448
- Chiari C, Grgurević L, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Oppermann H, Valentinitsch A, Nemecek E, Staats K, Schreiner M, Trost C, Kolb A, Kainberger F, Pehar S, Milošević M, Martinović S, Perić M, Sampath TK, Vukičević S, Windhager R. Recombinant HumanBMP6 applied within autologous blood coagulum accelerates bone healing: randomized controlled trial in high tibial osteotomy patients. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 35(10):1893-1903, 2020, doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4107
- Vukičević S, Grgurević L, Erjavec I, Pećin M, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Štoković N, Lipar M, Capak H, Matičić D, Windhager R, Sampath TK, Gupta M. Autologous blood coagulum is a physiological carrier for BMP6 to induce new bone formation and promote posterolateral lumbar spine fusion in rabbits. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 14(1):147-159, 2020, doi: 10.1002/term.2981
- Pauk M, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Brkljačić J, Paralkar VM, Brault AL, Dumić-Čule I, Borovečki F, Grgurević L, Vukičević S. A novel role of bone morphogenetic protein 6 (BMP6) in glucose homeostasis. Acta Diabetologica 56(3):365-371, 2019, doi: 10.1007/s00592-018-1265-1
- Dumić-Čule I, Perić M, Kučko L, Grgurević L, Pećina M, Vukičević S. Bone morphogenetic proteins in fracture repair. International Orthopaedics 42(11):2619-2626, 2018, doi: 10.1007/s00264-018-4153-y
- Vukičević S, Sampath TK (editors). Bone Morphogenetic Proteins: Systems Biology Regulators. Springer, 2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47507-3
- Grgurević L, Erjavec I, Grgurević I, Dumić-Čule I, Brkljačić J, Verbanac D, Matijašić M, Čipčić Paljetak H, Novak R, Plečko M, Bubić Špoljar J, Rogić D, Kufner V, Pauk M, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Vukičević S. Systemic inhibition of BMP1-3 decreases progression of CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in rats. Growth Factors 35(6):201-215, 2017, doi: 10.1080/08977194.2018.1428966
- Erjavec I, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Brkljačić J, Grčević D, Mokrović G, Kesić M, Rogić D, Zavadoski W, Paralkar VM, Grgurević L, Trkulja V, Čičin-Šain L, Vukičević S. Constitutively elevated blood serotonin is associated with bone loss and type 2 diabetes in rats. PloS One 11(2):e0150102, 2016, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150102
- Grgurević L, Christensen GL, Schulz TJ, Vukičević S. Bone morphogenetic proteins in inflammation, glucose homeostasis and adipose tissue energy metabolism. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews 27:105-118, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2015.12.009
- Blažević S, Erjavec I, Brižić M, Vukičević S, Hranilović D. Molecular background and physiological consequences of altered peripheral serotonin homeostasis in adult rats perinatally treated with tranylcypromine. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 66(4):529-537, 2015.
- Jurišić D, Erjavec I, Trkulja V, Dumić-Čule I, Hadžibegović I, Kovačević L, Svaguša T, Stanec Z, Vukičević S, Grgurević L. Soluble type III TGF beta receptor in diagnosis and follow-up of patients with breast cancer. Growth Factors 33(3):200-209, 2015., doi: 10.3109/08977194.2015.1055740
- Dumić-Čule I, Pećina M, Jelić M, Jankolija M, Popek I, Grgurević L, Vukičević S. Biological aspects of segmental bone defects management. International Orthopaedics 39(5).1005-1011, 2015., doi: 10.1007/s00264-015-2728-4
- Perić M, Dumić-Čule I, Grčević D, Matijašić M, Verbanac D, Paul R, Grgurević L, Trkulja V, Bagi CM, Vukičević S. The rational use of animal models in the evaluation of novel bone regenerative therapies. Bone 70:73-86, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.07.010
- Pauk M, Grgurević L, Brkljačić J, Kufner V, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Grabušić K, Razdorov G, Rogić D, Žuvić M, Oppermann H, Babitt JL, Lin HY, Volarević S, Vukičević S. Exogenous BMP7 corrects plasma iron overload and bone loss in Bmp6-/- mice. International Orthopaedics 39(1):161-172, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s00264-014-2550-4
- Cvjetičanin B, Prutki M, Dumić-Čule I, Veir Z, Grgurević L, Vukičević S. Possible target for preventing fibrotic scar formation following acute myocardial infarction. Medical Hypotheses 83(6):656-658, 2014. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2014.09.011
- Dumić-Čule I, Brkljačić J, Rogić D, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Tikvica Luetić A, Drača N, Kufner V, Trkulja V, Grgurević L, Vukičević S. Systemically available bone morphogenetic protein two and seven affect bone metabolism. International Orthopaedics 38(9):1979-1985, 2014. doi:10.1007/s00264-014-2425-8
- Dumić-Čule I , Drača N, Tikvica Luetić A, Ježek D, Rogić D, Grgurević L, Vukičević S. TSH prevents bone resorption and with calcitriol synergistically stimulates bone formation in rats with low levels of calciotropic hormones. Hormone and Metabolic Research 46(5):305-312, 2014. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1363989
- Vukičević S, Oppermann H, Verbanac D, Jankolija M, Popek I, Čuark J, Brkljačić J, Pauk M, Erjavec I, Francetić I, Dumić-Čule I, Jelić M, Đurđević D, Vlahović T, Novak R, Kufner V, Bordukalo-Nikšić T, Kozlović M, Banić Tomišić Z, Bubić Špoljar J, Bastalić I, Vikić Topić S, Perić M, Pećina M, Grgurević L. The clinical use of bone morphogenetic proteins revisited: a novel biocompatible carrier device OSTEOGROW for bone healing. International Orthopaedics 38(3):635-647, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s00264-013-2201-1
- Brkljačić J, Pauk M, Erjavec I, Cipčić A, Grgurević L, Zadro R, Inman GJ, Vukičević S. Exogenous heparin binds and inhibits bone morphogenetic protein 6 biological activity. International Orthopaedics 37(3):529-541, 2013. doi: 10.1007/s00264-012-1714-3
- Božić D, Grgurević L, Erjavec I, Brkljačić J, Orlić I, Razdorov G, Grgurević I, Vukičević S, Plančak D. The proteome and gene expression profile of cementoblastic cells treated by bone morphogenetic protein-7 in vitro. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 39(1):80-90, 2012. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01794.x
- Grgurević L, Maček B, Merčep M, Jelić M, Smoljanović T, Erjavec I, Dumić-Čule I, Prgomet S, Đurđević D, Vnuk D, Lipar M, Stejskal M, Kufner V, Brkljačić J, Matičić D, Vukičević S. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)1-3 enhances bone repair. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 408(1):25-31, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.03.109
- Grgurević L, Maček B, Healy DR, Brault AL, Erjavec I, Cipčić A, Grgurević I, Rogić D, Galešić K, Brkljačić J, Stern-Padovan R, Parlkar V, Vukičević S. Circulating Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1-3 isoform increases renal fibrosis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 22(4):681-692, 2011. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2010070722
Affiliated Institutions
University Hospital Centre Zagreb
University Hospital Centre Sestre milosrdnice
University Hospital Dubrava
University Hospital Merkur
Children's Hospital Zagreb
Department for Tumors - University Hospital Centre Sestre milosrdnice
University of Zagreb Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry
University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine
Ruđer Bošković Institute
private hospitals
The research equipment as available in departments and laboratories.
prof. dr. sc. Fran Borovečki
+385 1 45 90 068