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Become a Student Teaching Assistant (T. A.) at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

We invite all medical students to apply for the selection of student teaching assistants at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the 2016/2017 academic year.  Student teaching assistants take part in the Laboratory exercises of courses Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry I and Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry II. The requirement that a candidate must meet is excellent or very good grade on the exam.

The signed application must contain:

-name and surname, residential address, date of birth

– contact information (e-mail and phone)

– exam(s) success

– the course for which you are applying to be student teaching assistant (MCBC I and/or MCBC II)


It is necessary to submit the application to the Department secretary until Monday, October 31st, 2016. Notification with instructions will be sent by e-mail.

Vladimir Damjanović, PhD


Postani demonstrator na Zavodu za kemiju i biokemiju

Pozivamo studente medicine da se prijave na natječaj za izbor demonstratora u Zavodu za kemiju i biokemiju u ak. god. 2016/2017.. Demonstratori sudjeluju na vježbama u okviru kolegija Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry I i Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry II. Uvjet koji kandidat mora zadovoljiti jest položen kolegij s ocjenom odličan ili vrlo dobar te dobro poznavanje engleskog jezika.

Prijava mora sadržavati sljedeće podatke:

– ime i prezime, OIB, adresa stanovanja (istovjetna onoj na osobnoj iskaznici), datum rođenja

– kontakt (e-mail i broj mobitela)

– uspjeh na ispitu/ima (MKBK I ili MKBK II u slučaju studenata na hrvatskom studiju)

– kolegij na kojem želi biti demonstrator (MCBC I i/ili MCBC II)


Molimo Vas da potpisanu prijavu s potrebnim podatcima predate u tajništvo Zavoda najkasnije do ponedjeljka 31.10.2016. godine. Povratna obavijest s uputama bit će poslana e-mailom.

  1. sc. Vladimir Damjanović