Philippe Kourilsky “Human immunity and natural defenses: A game of chance and complexity”, 17.9. u 14 sati – Šalata 4
pozivaju Vas na predavanje koje će održati prof. dr. sc. Philippe Kourilsky, Odjel za molekularnu imunologiju, Collège de France u četvrtak 17. rujna 2015. s početkom u 14 sati u dvorani 1, ŠALATA 4, Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
“Human immunity and natural defenses: A game of chance and complexity”
The human body, as any other living organism, has to face and fight all sorts of dangers. To protect itself against various environmental and internal hazards, it devotes as much as 20% of its total resources to a large and diverse set of natural defenses, which provide him with a robust, though imperfect immunity. Human beings live in an ocean of microbes, and are preys for many infectious agents. The latter are a major source of environmental hazards. As for internal hazards, they derive mostly from the large number of errors which take place restlessly and inexorably during the physiological functioning of cells and organs. Most cancers are due to the accumulation of such mistakes. Environmental and internal hazards both occur mostly by chance. They are controlled by the same surveillance and correction mechanisms. The latter are highly complex, often exploit chance to cope with chance, and are highly integrated in the human body. This unified view of infectious diseases and cancers leads to decipher a number of rules of the game of chance and complexity which largely frames the logics of life.
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