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Djelatnici, Oglasna ploča, Studenti

ClinicalKey Student u ponedjeljak 11.5. u 14 sati

ClinicalKey Student poziva vas na webinar koji će se održati u ponedjeljak 11.5. u 14 sati!

Prijava na webinar:…/regist…/WN_RWhKh_i1RX21GYvh0_y_YA

Sadržaj webinara

For students: how to register, how to use Smart Search, how to highlight and share notes with your peers, how to create revision cards and self-assessments, and more

For faculty: how to assist you in the delivery of your curriculum online, use of all images copyright cleared in any resources you produce, how to embed content links in PPT’s and your LMS, how to set reading assignments, and more

