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Prof. dr. sc. Douglas Sipp “The stem cell identity crisis”

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The stem cell identity crisis

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prof. dr. sc. Douglas Sipp

RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Keio University School of Medicine

u četvrtak 15.11.2018. u 14.00 u dvorani Čačković 

Uvodnu riječ održati će domaćin tribine prof. dr. sc. Srećko Gajović, dopredsjednik i osnivač međunardone mreže Navigating Knowledge Landscapes.

Organizatori predavanja su Medicinski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu i mreža Navigating Knowledge Landscapes.

Sažetak predavanja: The first report of pluripotent human embryonic stem cells in 1998 triggered a scientific and public fascination with stem cells, and their potential medical uses, that persists today. The various religious, political, and ethical tensions surrounding hESC research prompted new interest in identifying alternative stem cell types from adult tissues. Early reports of pluripotent or near-pluripotent adult cells, variously labelled “spore cells,” “MAP-Cs,” “VSELs,” and “MUSE cells,” have failed to gain widespread acceptance, due to challenges in replicability. Of these, the MSC (variously known as “mesenchymal stem cells,” “mesenchymal stromal cells,” and “medicinal signaling cells” has been the most widely accepted, but nonetheless presents serious difficulties in definition and application. Other groups have described putative stem cell populations in weakly or non-regenerative tissue, such as cardiac muscle, vertebral disc, and lung as well as cancer stem cells in various solid tumors; however, the existence of these too has been subject to intensive debate. I will discuss how the field of stem cell biology is now undergoing a difficult process of self-reflection and suggest some steps forward to resolving this ongoing crisis of cellular identity.

Dodatna tribina “Pay-to-participate clinical research: Implications for ethics and study design” održati će se 15.11.2018. u 17:00 u prostorijama Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva, Masarykova 2/II, Zagreb.

Sažetak predavanja: Beginning in the late 1980s, small numbers of clinical and drug development businesses in the United States began to explore a novel method for funding clinical research studies, which involved charging patients to enroll. This pay-to-participate (PTP) model has gained greater popularity over the past decade due to its widespread adoption by businesses advertising undertested and unapproved “stem cell” interventions. I will discuss the history of this controversial practice, pressures on the validity of results from such trials, and implications for medical ethics, before examining new directions in which the PTP clinical research model appears to be expanding.

Nature – Sipp D. – Clear up this stem-cell mess

Science – Sipp D. – Emerging stem cell ethics