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Introductory meeting for MSE students

Introductory meeting for Medical Studies in English students was held on Thursday, 15 September, 2022 in Čačković hall, as a part of the orientation week.

Orientation week is organized each year for MSE freshmen in cooperation with eMed student organization and the Student office. The goal is to help newly enrolled students during their first days of study in Zagreb.

Professor Davor Ježek, MD, PhD, Vice-dean for Medical Studies in English, welcomed the 2022 generation of MSE students and briefly presented them the history of the School.

Students are coming from 14 countries from all over the world. One by one they briefly introduced themselves. The first year course coordinators also welcomed and gave them some tips and tricks of how to be a successful student. Although hard work is absolutely required, we hope that there will be a lot of joy and good company and that the memory of time spent in Zagreb will be the great one!