SCaLPEL - Surgery Collaborative and Long-term Practical Experience Learning
For more detail’s please visit main page: https://anatomy.med.muni.cz/en/erasmus/scalpel
Surgery is one of the fields of medicine where professionals are heavily relying on dexterity and practical application of specialized skill sets during various procedures. Many of such can only be learned via practical experience. The students of medicine undergo phases where they learn the theory of such procedures, then those who are following the path of surgery specialization observe and assist during surgical procedures and finally, when deemed experienced enough, they may perform the procedures themselves. With each opportunity to practice their surgical skills, the students as well as practicing surgeons gain confidence and experience; more so if they have opportunities to practice outside of the operating rooms on simulators and cadaveric material prior to practicing the procedures on their patients. Surgery Collaborative and Long-term Practical Experience Learning (SCaLPEL) project proposal aims to bring international opportunities for practical hands-on training of surgical skills to postgraduate (PG) students as well as academics from the field of surgery connecting the students and academics from across four institutions - Masaryk University (Czech Republic), University of Zagreb (Croatia), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan with the Medical faculty set in Rome (Italy), Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland).
Dissemination and Project Visibillity
Multiplier event of project organized in parallel with 16th Congress Croatian Society for endoscopic Surgery with international participation
Exchange of surgical experience through international collaboration of experts in the field of gastrointestinal surgery
October 18, 2024, Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera Hotel

University of Zagreb School of Medicine press release about project activities (on Croatian)
https://mef.unizg.hr/app/uploads/2024/07/Mef.hr-srpanj-2024.-1.pdf (pg. 81)
https://mef.unizg.hr/app/uploads/2023/12/Mef_2-2023_web-2.pdf (pg. 76-77)
https://mef.unizg.hr/app/uploads/2023/07/web_Mef_1-2023-1.pdf (pg. 52-53)
https://mef.unizg.hr/app/uploads/2023/01/Mef.hr-Prosinac-2022.pdf (pg. 65-66)
https://mef.unizg.hr/app/uploads/2022/04/MEF.hr-Prosinac-2021_final.pdf (pg. 43)
Contact: Full Professor Zdravko Petanjek, MD